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As we come to the end of Ramadan so do my Dares! I hope you all carried out the dares and earned rewards. Once again I remind you to do immense Ibadah during these last days.

Here you go with the last dare--


*Abandon the music*

Do you listen to music? Or have you abandoned it?

Do you know that music is haram in Islam?

Let me tell you why:

* Music drifts you away from Allah.

* The lyrics of the music play an important part in shaping you. You are what you listen to. Heard this before? Yes, it's very true. It degrades your character and makes you a product of the media. The lyrics used in the music begin to become your beliefs and slowly and slowly you lose the most precious thing in your life - Islam.

* You will begin to resent the Holy Qur'an and its recitation.

* Nowadays music has filth in it and if you listen to it, then beware you become filth as well.

* Psychologically, pleasant music may lift up your mood and make you forget your problems. In the end it'll make you a loser 'cause you never focussed on your problems so you never solved it and it is still there lingering at the back of your mind hurting you every now and then whenever you're reminded of it. In short, it becomes your drug.

Do you still want to listen to music after knowing all this? Then go ahead I won't stop you but remember it'll destroy you and hinder you from walking on the right path.

As for me, I listen to various wonderful nasheeds and I absolutely love listening to nasheeds. I choose the ones with vocals and not music. Even when the whole world is after Hollywood/Bollywood songs I choose to hold on to Islam and I hope my brothers and sisters in Islam would do the same.

If you want to change and stop listening to music and walk on the right path doing everything halal, then take this advice - Download nasheeds and look out for your favorite artist. Delete the songs from your playlists. Keep one or two in the beginning, in case you just can't resist listening. Once you start listening to nasheeds automatically your desire for music will die and you won't want to listen to it, at least that's the case with me. Then, finally get rid of all the filth in your playlists and become the Hero/Heroin of Islam. Become the Charming Islamic Prince or the Beautiful Islamic Princess, all the pious people deserve.

Aand, dear Ukhti/Akhi, don't you want to listen to the melodious, most beautiful, most pleasant that no one has ever heard, the music of Jannah? It will be only for those who refrained from music in this temporary life and Allah will reward you with music that only HE Knows and how do you think will be the music of Jannah?;)

Now I take leave of you my dear reader, I hope you enjoyed this journey and carried out the dares. Do continue them even after Ramadan, it'll make you a beautiful Muslim:)

Jazakallah Khair to all those who voted and those that carried out the dares.

Remember! The difference between success and failure is Patience and Persistance.

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu:)

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