Ria's origin(pt. 1)

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   It's dawn. The sun creeps in through the window. Ugh. Why am I awake? Oh, yeah, the cat.
    I roll out of bed, dragging the covers with me. The floor is surprisingly comfy. Maybe if I just close my eyes for a bit...
   "MROWRRRRR." Suki's obnoxious meow gets me up again. I rise and I feed her, dragging my feet. Why me? Why not Layna? Ugh.
    I get a drink as the cat eats. Strangely, wakes me up. Damn, now I'm wide awake. What do I do now?
   I spy my trusty Harry Potter book on a high shelf. I grin at the thought of the creamy, thick paper, and the delicious, woody smell that it has. A little reading could be nice. I reach up, standing on my tiptoes, straining. Almost....got...it....
    The whole shelf tips as I grab the thick tome. I fall backwards with the shelf, and everything goes black.

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