317 13 0

YEAR: 1975

•Michelle's POV•

"Michelle, for the last time, just say Merry Christmas," Anna groaned.
"Merry Chritmas,"
"There's an s in there! Say it again. Christmas,"
"There y'go," she sighed. "Now say the whole sentence, please,"
"I wish you, a very Merry Christmas,"
"Yay," she clapped. "No, pretend I'm a stranger. Introduce yourself,"
"Hello, my name is Michelle. Nice to meet you," I slowly said.
"You're getting it," she smiled. "What else did I teach you?"
"Please é th-"
"No, don't say é, say and. Got it?"
"Say yes," she sighed.
"Okay. Go,"
"Please and thank you," I said.
"Great. I think that's enough for today,"
"No, don't l...l...l-"
"Why not? You know enough for a normal conversation,"
"But wh...wha..."
"But what if John n...n-"
"Needs something?"
"I don't know. You should be fine,"
"But his temper e tres-
"Is very," Anna corrected.
"Is very p..." I trailed off.
"Short?" she chuckled.
"Well-" Anna was cut off by Sean's screaming and crying.
"Je l'ai,"
"English darling,"
"I got him," I said.
"Good girl,"
"Michelle!" John called.
"I got him, John!"
"Hey! Look who's speaking english!"
"Baiser toi," (Fuck you,) I grumbled.
"Easy," Anna laughed.

I got up from the couch and made my way upstars, so I could take care of Sean. After I grabbed a warm bottle from the kitchen, I headed back into the living room with Anna.

"So, where w...we..."
"Where we? We were talking about John's short temper,"
"Oh, yes,"
"He'll tolerate it. And if he doesn't, give me a call and I'll kick him in the one place guys don't wanna be kicked," she smirked.
"Merci Anna,"
"English," she warned.
"Thank you, Anna,"
"There y'go. I'll see you later, Michelle. Call me if you need anything,"
"Okay," I corrected.
"Good. Bye now,"
"Bye," I waved.
"Michelle, I'm gonna head out,"
"I gotta go to work,"
"You're in charge of the boys. You know Sean's nap schedule and a few of Julian's friends will be over around three,"
"I'll be alone,"
"Don't worry, the parents will be staying. Okay?"
"Julian! I'm leaving! Be good for Michelle!"
"Okay," he shrugged as he joined us in the living room.
"Bye guys,"
"Bye," we said.
"Did dad tell you about my friends that are coming over?"
"Oui, I-I mean, yes,"
"Michelle, you can say words like that in French if you want...I know what they mean,"
"Merci," I sighed.
"Dad's only making you say everything in English cause he's trying to prepare you for the immigration man,"
"I know," I giggled. "It's nice of him,"
"Wow, you learn fast," he smiled.
"It helps when I already know it,"
"It was just a matter of pronouncing it and knowing when to say it?"
"That's cool,"
"So, who's visiting?" I asked.
"A few family friends. Well, they're not family but, I guess we kinda considered them family a few years ago...I don't know. It's complicated,"
"I can't wait to meet them."


For the few hours that we had left, before the friends showed up, Julian and I cleaned up around the house a bit; I got to know him a bit more; I must say, he is the sweetest kid ever.

"Michelle, I got the door!" Julian yelled as the doorbell rang. He opened the door only to be greeted by the stereotypical family.
"Hey Jules, how are you?" the dad smiled.
"Hi Uncle Paul, I'm good," he laughed as he hugged the man.
"Hi Julian," the mother said as she opened her arms for a hug.
"Hi Linda," he said.
"Hi Jules," the oldest daughter blushed.
"Hey Heather. Come in guys,"
"Where's your dad?" Linda asked.
"Who's here looking after Sean?" she freaked out.
"Bonjour," I greeted. I walked into the corridor so I could greet the family.
"Oh," Paul smirked. "Bonjour,"
"This is Michelle," Julian said. "She's from France,"
"Is she your new nanny?" Linda asked.
"No," he said.
"Is she your dad's new girlfriend?"
"I don't think so...are you?"
"No," I shook me head.
"So what brings you to England, Michelle is it?" Paul smiled.
"I don't know how to say it in English..."
"Want me to explain it?" Julian offered.
"Oui s'il vous plaît," (Yes please,)
"Okay, so, I guess she worked at some circus for most of her life-"
"Oh really? What circus?" Paul interrupted.
"Kite's Family Circus," I said.
"That's funny," he laughed.
"Why is that funny?"
"Well, I wrote a song a few years back about a man named Kite who owned a circus,"
"Really?" I said.
"Yeah, it was John's idea. He said-"
"Paul," Julian said with gritted teeth. Don't mention the Beatles he mouthed to him.
"He said it was a great show so, I wrote about it,"
"You sing?"
"Oh, my Paulie is an excellent performer," Linda said. "He wrote a song called Michelle, y'know,"
"Yeah, and there's some French in there,"
"You're joking! Are tu fluent?"
"No, not really. I know a few phrases. Y'know, enough to get me through a day but, that's about it,"
"Oh," I giggled.
"Anyway, she ran away and here she is,"
"How long are you staying, love?" Paul asked.
"John is working on getting me a gr...gr..."
"Green card," Julian finished. "She's still learning English,"
"Why doesn't John just marry you?" Heather raised a brow.
"Excuse me?"
"It'll save the both of you a lot of time if he just married you. You'd get to stay here as long as the two of you are married. No strings attached," she explained.
"That's not my decision to make,"
"Yeah Heather, it's more John's decision than it is hers," Linda said.
"I guess you're right," she shrugged.

As we spoke, Sean started to scream and cry, like he normally does.

"Excuse me," I smiled as I headed upstairs to attend to Sean.
"She seems nice, Jules," Linda said.
"She is,"
"How would you feel if she became your mum?"
"I wouldn't mind it, I guess," he shrugged. "But it's never gonna happen.,"
"Why not?"
"First of all, my dad would have to marry Michelle. Second of all, I highly doubt she'd be able to adopt my brother and I, considering she isn't a legal citizen," Julian said. "I also don't think my birth mother would be very happy if I called another woman, mum..."
"Jules, she willingly gave you up. You know that,"
"I know but, I feel like something would snap and she'd try and get me back,"
"Julian, no sane woman would try and raise a child on her own. Never mind trying to raised a teenager. You need a father and a mother, Julian. And if John married Michelle then, in all honesty, I feel like she'd be happy that you have two parents taking care of you,"
"Yeah...I guess you're right..."
"I know I'm right."

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