The decoration.
It was the night before halloween, decorations began coming out.
Soon you could notice that it was getting close to that time of year.
In a neighborhood... the decorations were not as popular, but more 'rare'.
The neighborhood was small with barely any life, but neighbor was kind to neighbor.
One afternoon, a family walked past a house to see a woman in a long black dress, being hung from a tree.
The father chuckled.
"What a nice decoration." And walked away as the family talked about how they were excited for halloween.
Many people past the house, commenting on the woman in the tree.
It was halloween, and people were ready for candy and costumes and fright.
People still commented about the decoration, and that was just... it.
2 days after halloween and decorations began to come down, for thanksgiving was on its way.
The pumpkins, everything was coming down.
A woman became worried when she discovered a fowl smell coming from a house.
She knocked on the door.
No answer.
She went in the backyard to see the decoration, but the odor, grew stronger, holding her nose, she recognized that the 'decoration', was her neighbor, and she called the police.
She killed herself... and people did not even take notice.