Page Two.

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"Come on! Lets dance!!" Erin shouted with excitement. I just stood there very confused. "Laura? You okay?" she asked. I nodded and stood up. Then Willow and Kylee came over and gasped. Willow wore a blue dress with sparkles and black tennashoes. Kylee wore a sleeve-less flower print dress with combat boots. "Laura! Where did you get that!?!?" Kylee screamed pointing at the yearbook. I didn't know what to say, and even if they're my friends I don't think they'll believe that I went back in time. "Oh, w-well, a old friend of mine was in yearbook committee, a-and well h-he let me have the first one that was m-ma-made!" I stuttered. They looked at me, knowing I was lying, so I decided to change the topic. "So, where's Marissa?" I asked clutching the book to my chest. Willow answered, "Ugh, she's having a make out session with her bae." We all laughed, then just like the real thing Marissa came crying over telling us that her boyfriend broke up with her. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Mari, you need to let it go. Jacky is the WORST boyfriend and girl should have. Your too special to have a stupid boyfriend. I'm going a whole year without drama and so far so good! And I don't want any love drama. So here is what YOU need to do! Walk up to Jacky and tell him, your better without a stupid boyfriend and drama! I know Marissa, and Jacky DOESN'T!!!" I told. Marissa smiled, wiped her tears and walked over to Jacky, the whole room went silent when Mari slapped him. I had to do something. "DANCE TIL THE SUN COMES BACK UP!!!" I cheered, then the music was back on and every one was having fun.

Every one was going home and I looked back at the yearbook, I quickly scanned through it. I found it, a picture filled with fake smiles. Here I go again. I touched the page, and there I was back to where I had my first friend problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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