Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Bree's POV

I was a little concerned about Chase, but he hated it when people babied him, so I ignored it. But I was so excited, Leo promised that we were gonna have two special guests at our next show. I was so excited, I was super speeding back and forth through the bus. Then I collided with Chase, and he tumbled to the floor.

"Sorry!" I said helping him off the ground.

"Wow, you are really excited aren't you?" Chase asked, and I nodded "Can you not super speed in the bus? Your gonna end up hurting someone," he continued.

"Okay," I replied simply, nodding.

"Thank you." Chase said, then he climbed into his bunk. He had been doing that ever since our show where he hurt his ankle. I was getting worried, but I pushed it to the side of my brain and I started super speeding again.

Miami, Florida

"Leo, who is coming to our concert? Is it Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber?" I asked.

"Imagine Dragons and Charlie Puth?" Chase questioned.

"Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor?" Adam suggested.

Chase and I glared at him for a second but directed our attention back to Leo.

"No. Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas!" Leo exclaimed.

I heard Chase make a gagging noise, Adam looked happy-he was a Nick Jonas fan-and I probably blushed. I loved Demi and I had a huge celebrity crush on Nick Jonas.

"How did they find out about us?" I asked.

"Apparently they saw Chase singing Jealous and decided to take time off the Future Now tour to see you three." Leo explained.

I suddenly was worried, what if my favorite celebrities hated my performance? "We need to do a Demi Lovato song. We've done a Nick Jonas song, but we need one for Demi," I said.

"I think that we should do the song they did together." Adam said.

"Avalanche?" Chase asked.

"That one's good," I consented, nodding.

"I can easily make some guitar parts for this one," Chase told us, holding up a few sheets of music paper.

"And we can both sing," I said.

"All I see is a bunch of squiggly lines," Adam complained, looking at Chase's papers.

"Adam. Those squiggly lines are called notes, and they show you where to play your instrument," Leo explained.

"Well, I can easily play after I hear the song. Is that a bionic ability?" Adam asked.

"No. It's called playing by ear, not a ton of people can do it, so it's cool that you can do it, but it's not a bionic ability. Sorry," I said.

"Well, we should practice. Good thing we're at the venue," Chase told us.

"Be careful, you never know when a piece of the ceiling will fall on you," Adam replied in a mocking tone.

I could tell that comment was directed to Chase, but they normally snapped at each other, so I ignored them and started to unpack my bass. A few minutes after they started arguing, they came and unpacked their instruments. I heard Richard and Mr. Davenport coming towards us, also arguing. Again.

"Douglas told me that at the in Orlando, someone attacked Chase, you have to call off the show." Mr. Davenport said.

"If Chase was attacked, that is all on you, your their security guard, and if you can't do your job, then I'm gonna have to hire someone else," Richard threatened.

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