Lost in the edge
With no more supplies of my time
Trying not to fall
Till get your mouth.I tried to behave
But every bullet was against me
I had to stop them
And throw away.I have no pain
You are the only one
Who killed my sense,
No more sadness,
No more false tears,
No more shouting, cries.Don't come back now
Asking for peace
You wanted to die in the war field,
Don't trust on me
I can't be loyal
I'll hurt you when you turn around.Don't pick up the phone
I could affect your delicate ears
With dirty sharp words
Getting your soul.Cover your eyes
From unwanted past scenes
Grabbed in my bones,
Shown in my hands.Don't be so scared
Are you trembling?
Tell me why, tell me it,
You're avoiding you part
Don't turn back now
See my heart turning off.I ran away
I hid my way
Of those dark nights,
My bloody tears
From open wounds
Supplicated you to stay alive.Shoot now
Be determined
Don't show me those swear drops
Stop the waiting
Stop sending me your breathing.Do you see?
You can't do it
Your arms can't even follow your mind
You are alone
Too far away
From any chance of victory.Why don't you throw away your madness?
Why are you so ununderstandable?
Your ship was sunk
But you were still there
Breathing from my air
Fighting against water
Like an innocent beast.7th June 2016
Sospirs de cristall
PoetryPoemes, frases i pensaments en valencià, castellano, English, português i italiano. Diguem-li al món el que sentim, el que desitgem, allò que ens trenca l'ànima en trossos d'amor, als quals es reflectixen les nostres veus amb besades eternes que via...