~chapter 12~

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Hanna's POV

"What are we going to do about Alison?" I asked nervously. I has been a week since we decided Alison was A.

"I still can't believe it." Emily said in a shaky breath.

This revelation has impacted Emily the most. Alison was her first love.

We were gathered in the Hastings barn as we talked about Alison. It was a Friday night and we were having a sleepover.

"Is your mom sure it was Alison who she saw." Spencer said pouring herself some more ice tea.

"Why would my mom lie about that. She swears it was Alison who she saw." I said getting defensive.

"If Alison is still alive then who is in her grave?" Aria asked taking a bite of her pizza.

"I'm getting a migraine just thinking about Alison being alive and A." I said rubbing my temples.

"How are we going to find Alison anyways? I know we all feel like she's still around." Emily said.

"Guys, I have a place in mind where we can look around for clues." Spencer said biting her fingernails.

"Where?" Emily, Aria, and I said in unison.

"Her room." Spencer said staring down at her burgundy carpet since she now lives in the barn.

"What?!" I screeched.

"That's just creepy and Jessica, Kenneth, and Jason live there." Aria said.

"We could find clues their. I also heard from my dad that they're going out for dinner tonight." Spencer said trying to convince them.

"Okay." I said, "Aria, Emily. Please for my baby."

"Okay." Aria and Emily agreed.

"But, Hanna, are you sure you should be doing physical activity while you're near birth." Emily asked helping me up.

"The doctor told me not to, but I can still kick ass." I said with a smirk.

This caused the other girls to giggle.

"Here." Spencer said giving us all flashlights. "Make sure you don't turn it on until we're in the house."

"Thank you Nancy Drew." I said sarcastically. 

Spencer brushed it off, probably thinking it was hormones. Aria opened up the barn doors and we all got out, huddled up in a group.

We started heading towards the Dilaurentis property making sure not to step on branches, trip, or make any noises.

"Are we going in through the front?" Emily asked.

"We're going in through the living room window." Spencer replied as we came up to their house.

To our luck the living room window was opened up a crack. Spencer started trying to open it, but it proved to be difficult.

"Help me out would you." Spencer said through gritted teeth.

Aria and Emily started to help while I held the flashlight so they could see. Finally the window started moving up and we all sighed in relief. Spencer climbed in first followed by Aria. 

"Help me." I said as Emily pushed me from behind and Spencer and Aria pulled me in the front. Last Emily came in.

"Keep the window open so we can escape." Spencer said. Spencer turned on her flashlight and started heading up the staircase while we all trailed behind.

We turned left when we landed upstairs and faced Alison's closed door.

"Shall we?" I asked my hand wrapped around the door knob. The girls nodded their heads yes. I twisted the doorknob and as soon as it opened we smelled the scent of vanilla.

I heard Emily whimper and I patted her hand. "Where should we look?" Aria asked as we looked around Alison's room.

"Alison once told me that if she wants something hidden it's going to stay hidden until she wants it found." Emily said.

"Well, today we are going to prove her wrong." I said.

"We'll split up the room into sections and look there." Aria said.

We all agreed and went into four different directions.

I went to her desk where she had her desktop computer and old school notebooks. I started rifling through the notebooks and found nothing except for boring algebra.  

I put the notebooks back after I found nothing and then I saw something sticking out of her vent.

"Guys!" I said calling the girls over and getting their attention.

"Look there's something sticking out of Alison's vent." I said.

"Wait I have a screw driver." Spencer said taking one out of her back pocket.

"Typical Spencer move." Aria said with a smile.

She started unscrewing the screws until it opened up.

I reached my hand in and took out the papers that were crumpled in there. 

I handed Spencer the newspaper articles and her and Aria looked through them. "Wait there's something else in there." I said.

I stuck my hand back into the vent and came out with a little notebook.

"Guys. I found Ali's diary." I said with a gasp.


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