3rd persons POV Arkalia just woke up walking to HQ and starting talking
Arkalia to everyone
Hey Guy's did you miss me (Arkalia)
Arkalia your awake how are you (everyone)
yeah I'm fine just a bit sore that's all (Arkalia)
Who did this to you Arkalia (everyone)
I don't really know I only saw a shadow but I'm sure who it is (Arkalia)
Who (everyone)
I believe it was azreal (Arkalia)
No it can't be azweal because he is dead for 2 yeaws (Zuma)
How do you know azreal Zuma (Arkalia)
He is my evil twin bwother but it can't be him because he is dead I'm suwe of it he dwowned in a flood (Zuma)
Well here is a photo of him when I first saw him and if you recognize him than its him if you can't then it could be another Labrador pup with chocolate fur coat named azreal (Arkalia)
It it is him sorry Arkalia can you forgive me (Zuma)
No because there's nothing to forgive its not your fault that he attacked me (Arkalia)
Weally thanks awkalia (Zuma)
Hakuna matata (Arkalia)
Huh (everyone)
It means no worries (Arkalia)
Where did you learn that (everyone)
When I traveled to Africa I met a nice lion cub called simba a nice meerkat named timone and a warthog called pumba they made a song about it (Arkalia)
Wow you travel a lot brother (Chase)
Yes I do umm Ryder can I go for a walk with chase please (Arkalia)
Sure only if your careful OK (Ryder)
I will thanks Ryder (arkalia)
3rd persons POV as Arkalia and chase gone for a walk they stopped for a while because Arkalia is getting sore
Arkalia and Chase talking
Chase the reason I wanted to be alone with you because I want you to propose to Skye I know its sudden but your perfect for each other and she is pregnant with your pups (Arkalia)
Listen Arkalia I know I want to marry Skye but I can't (Chase)
Why you can't (arkalia)
Because I can't afford it Ryder can't afford it I'll just have to wait (chase)
Well I can I already have a ring for you two and I have friends that can set up the weddings so what do you say (Arkalia)
Yes really thanks Arkalia (Chase)
Here see the ring I got it for you (Arkalia)
It's beautiful how much was it (Chase)
One thousand dollars (Arkalia)
Thanks bro (Chase)
Chase's Secret Brother
RomanceToday the paw patrol would find more about Chase's mysterious past and find his brother alive and living in the forest This story contains sex scenes and fights Also will Chase and Skye be together