Chapter 31

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I shut my eyes tight when the lights came back on. I hadn't been able to sleep at all. I had plenty of time to rest when I was dead. 

Laughter came in from just outside. Whoever was coming to visit was apparently getting chummy with the guards. 

"Yeah, just be ready, this one's a fighter, that's for sure. May need your help," a male said as he came down the hall. 

I gritted my teeth. I knew exactly who that was, even through the door. The beep signaled him to enter, and Ian stepped into the room. 

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here, Electra Jaeger." He smiled as he made his way to the door of the cell. 


He looked me over and I pulled my knees back up to cover my top half. 

"Bet you wished you had just decided to go for me back when you had the chance, don't you?"

I tapped my chin with a finger, looking up. "You know, the thought never even crossed my mind. I guess I figured going off with a werewolf was better than all the shit you put me through." I looked him dead in the eye. 

Ian's lip lifted in a snarl and his eyes narrowed. "Get up. It's time to get moving."

He unlocked the door and I stood. Time to make my last walk. 

He came into the cell and grabbed my arm tightly, pulling me after him. 

"She seems pretty broken now," one of them men stationed outside said. 

The other looked to the ground. He was probably the only person who didn't actually want to be doing his job. I wondered if he knew who I was. 

"Yeah. I guess she finally learned when to just give up." Ian pushed me forward with a laugh. 

I wanted to use the cuffs to strangle him. Get rid of the asshole once and for all. I almost did. He wasn't at the top of my list though, and it would just cause more problems. If I could just get this over with, then I would be getting rid of him once and for all. Just in a different way. 

He pushed me down the hall and around a series of turns. we were headed to the locker rooms. He opened the door and shoved hard, causing me to stumble inside. 

"You know the shoving really isn't necessary. Just because I turned you down...multiple times...doesn't mean you have to act like a dick."

"Oh shut up, Electra. You have three minutes to shower."

"Can you take the cuffs off so I can get undressed?"

Ian stepped closer and reached a hand into his pocket. He didn't pull out a key though. He brought out a knife and slipped it under each strap of the bra, slicing up. With a snap, each strap fell in two pieces. He took the blade to my chest. 

"Don't you dare," I hissed. 

Ian raised an eyebrow and slid the blade underneath and cut the fabric. The bra went loose and fell to the ground. 

I had to pull my arms in quickly to cover myself. "Worse than a dick, actually." venom laced my words. 

"I trust you can do the rest?" He said with a smirk. 

I glared and stormed off to the showers. I stripped off my pants, the fabric cracking and peeling from my skin with all the dried blood they'd soaked up. 

"Help save your asses, and this is what I get," I mumbled as I turned on the hot water. 

"Two and a half minutes!" Ian called from the other end. 

The Huntress' Name (sequel to The Huntress)Where stories live. Discover now