1. Your name?
Jeff: -Jeff-
2. Age?
Jeff: -17-(added a few years)
BEN: -18-(i dont know so i guessed)
3. Gender?
Jeff: -Im a dude-
BEN: -Sexy Man-
4. Describe your personality.
Jeff: -Fun and crazy-
BEN: -Pretty good guy-
5. Describe you're partner's personality
Jeff: -Partner? He's pervent- "Am not," "Are s- wait! Quit reading it!"
BEN: -He's adorable- "I'm not adorable!" "Now who's reading someone else's paper"
6. When did you first meet each other? Describe the setting.
Jeff: -When slendy showed me the underealm-
BEN: -When slenderman brought Jeff to the underrealm-
7. What was you're first impression of your partner?
Jeff: -Loner weirdo-
Gray: -Idiot-
8. What do you like about the other person?
Jeff: -He's a kind lover-
BEN: -He's adorable and never ceases to entertain me-
9. What do you dislike about the other person?
Jeff: -He's a preverted bastard-
BEN: -He's too stubborn sometimes but that usually ends as a good thing for me- *smirks*
10. Do you trust your partner?
Jeff: -With my life-
BEN: -Why wouldn't I?-
11. What do you call your partner?
Jeff: -Asshole / Bastard / BEN- "No boyfriend?" *blush* *smirks*
HumorREAD THE PASTA BEFOR YOU ASK THE QUESTION!!!!! If you ask a question and it is like hey slender man where do you hunt? It will piss me off because EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!!!! If you do i will not reaspond to you because your stupid....ALSO here are some...