Pacifica lay asleep on her queen sized bedroom whilst Dipper has just woken up. Dipper looked outside and it shown an early sunrise as he also looked at the time which read '6:34am'. He then got up and got dressed quickly as he made sure he left before Pacifica woke up.
Minutes after Dipper left, Pacifica turned to her right to cuddle with him but she was the only one in the bed. She suddenly sits up to obverse where he might be, she looked around half asleep as she saw that Dipper's clothes were't there. She sighed heavily as she threw herself back into the bed.
"I knew he would just ditch me. What else is new..."
Pacifica told herself whilst looking up to the ceiling.The two weren't dating but they were 'really' close friends. But since Dipper has been hanging around with Pacifica lately, girls started to notice him more. And today was no exception.
Dipper arrived to his destination at seven which he said to himself.
"Just in time." As the employees just placed the open sign on.He went to the till and ordered. After ordering, the girl who took his service grinned at him but Dipper looked behind him to make sure it was him that she was smiling at. But he then realized that there was no one else there and so the girl giggled and shook her head.
Pacifica felt that she and Dipper had something special, but after what happened in the same morning, she felt used upon on once against. She tried to make coffee but the coffee maker just broke and so she just gave up as she isn't feeling like trying to fix it. It was clear to Pacifica that the day wasn't getting better.She went to the living room and was about to watch television. But before sitting down she heard that the doorbell has been rung.
When she opened the door the first thing she saw was Dipper's face. She looked at him in disgust as she slapped him straight away on the face.
"So after what happened last night the first thing you do this morning was leave!" Pacifica said in anger but she was also upset."Ow... Pacifica..." Dipper didn't have to explain too much as he pointed his head downwards to show that he was holding 2 lattes and a pack of donuts.
Pacifica looked at it and then back to Dipper, feeling embarrassed and sorry.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Dipper!" She held her hand in his cheek where she slapped it.
"Thank you so much!" She smiled at him and was relieved that he didn't ditch her for nothing."It's alright, I can understand why you'll feel like that." He smiled back grinning.
"Cmon, let's go in before these get cold" Dipper pointed at the caffeine drinks.They both sat together drinking their latte and eating donuts whilst watching television until Pacifica finds a number on Dipper's latte cup.
"Um Dipper, What's this?" She pointed at the cup."Huh, how did that get there?" Dipper sounded confused. "Huh, it maybe the girl back at the coffee shop." He just ignored the fact and continued to drink.
"So you were talking to other girls?" Pacifica said offended.
"Well technically no. She smiled at me and I didn't smile back because I thought it wasn't me she was smiling at, until I found out that no one else was there." Dipper said in a calm expression. Dipper looked down to Pacifica who wasn't as calm.
"Hey I came back didn't I?" He teased."Well yeah but.." Pacifica tried to answer back but she couldn't say anything as Dipper didn't actually ditch her.
Instead she just smiled it off and continued to cuddle with Dipper.
"By the way, you owe me $15"
I had this story drafted a long time ago but I didn't know if it was good enough. So I'll let you guys decide :)

Dipcifica One-Shots
Random-Just basically what the title says- Different moments in Dippers and Pacificas timeline with each other Pls favorite if you liked it and comment if you want more :)