" he's special "

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when someone's extra special you just have to love them extra hard.

  Troye couldn't help the sigh that over came him when he turned around to see that Connor was gone. Again.

  " Con! Come back sweetheart," love permanently stained his voice but exhaustion was starting to spill into it as well.

  "Come find me!" A giggle and a whoop came from above him and he looked up to see the boy straddling a tree branch, swinging his feet and laughing uncontrollably.

  "I need you to come down, okay? Can you do that for me?" Troye spoke with control, knowing that yelling and frustration only created chaos. But on the inside he could feel the shading under his eyes get a little bit darker.

  " No! Con Con wants to be up here! Like a bird, flappy wings and fly!" His sentence was cut off with his own shrieks and giggles, flopping his arms around in an imitation of a bird.

  " We can be birds down here instead, hows that sound?" He tried his best to lighten his tone but the way Connor was starting to lean dangerously side to side was stiffening his relaxation.

" That's not how it works. Birds go high. I wanna be bird." His face scrunched up and his big green eyes narrowed.

" Connor. Down- now. You'll get hurt." His voice was now flagged with a warning. Connors jaw got stiff and rigid the way his body reacted when starting to get nervous or beginning to freak out.

oh no.

Troye knew this procedure all too well.

" T-troye, I want down! I want down!" a sob escaped his lips and he looked down at the ground from his position high above, anxiety lacing his voice and eyes.

  " too high! too high!" his arm swung out in front of him, batting at the air, his breathing quickening and his shrieks of terror bringing attention from the other people at the park.

  " hey, you're okay con, just come down slowly, alright?" Troye soothed him with soft sushes.

  He had been so focused on Connor that he hadn't been aware of the small crowd of people watching the scene play out and making commentary.

  "What's wrong with that boy in the tree? He's acting like a toddler." a hushed, but still quite audible voice pried to the kid next to him.

  " You don't know him? He's retarded, man."

  Rage seethed through Troyes body and he whipped around with a deathly glare.

  " Connor's special, not retarded." his words were cold as ice.

  The two teenage boys exchanged glances and the shorter one raised his hands in surrender.

  " Sorry dude, didn't realize his protective older brother was on the lookout."

  " We're not related." Troye scoffed, eyes still squinting angerily.

  " Then what are you, its boyfriend?" he mocked as if the notion was insane.

  Troye was about to snap back with a steamy growl  to not call Connor an it, when he heard the faint whimpers from behind him and swung back around to the tree.

  Connor was now very slowly inching down the bark, muffled trembly tears pressed to his cheeks.

  " That's it, baby. You can do it." Troye lulled, encouraging him and verbally helping Connor shimmy his way down.

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