Go drunk; You're home!

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"Heeeennn I feel BUen..."

"I think I threw up on some girl..."



"Hahaha that tequila is a bomb. Yes it is!"


And there goes Toni drunker than Adam Prussia on most normal days. Toni leaned on the metal, puking over the railing of the balcony once more to empty the contents of his stomach.

Sigh you'd think one of the biggest Empires would have been able to keep his tolerance. Actually no never mind that, because... You know England...

"Mmm the air feeeels gooood..." Goofy smile is in place.

"Waaaaaa estoy frío! No me gusta! No me gusta!" Chittering teeth replace smile. Again there he goes his drunk mind making him act like a teenage girl on the week of the month.

Walking, er, stumbling back through the glass door way he makes his way to the clean bed sitting in the middle of the room up against a wall.

"Hmm soooffftttt hombre..." After snuggling into the soft comforter, with a sigh of content, he fell silent think about someone- Alfred.

Oh how much Toni was missing his pequeño novio Alfred (Even though Alfred is much taller by like five inches). He really wanted to see Alfred since they haven't really done anything for a week or two.

Good thing Gilbert texted Alfred am I right? Of course I am! *high fives self*

Anyway let's check up on Alfred shall we.

Alfred's POV

"Where, where, where, where..." There goes Alfred looking for Toni. Going up the stairs to the left, where not many people were, he padded across carpet.

He started picking random bedrooms, looking left and right down the hallway, hoping to find his boyfriend quickly.

"I didn't think it would be this hard. I mean how many people have a fucking mansion and party it out...?"

"Actually never mind that's what I do." Al muttered, a few moments later to himself, using a few more words from a certain colourful vocabulary that one could only get from Lovino.

After sighing for the umpteenth time (and basically giving up) he resorted to calling up his lover. For the eighth time this night may I add.

Thankfully- oh thankfully- the ring tone (Livin' la viva loca) didn't go straight to voicemail like the rest failed calls did. That's all the hope Alfred had to hold onto for now.

Waiting for the moment, when he'd either would have disappointment again, or a little piece of happiness for once this night he sighed. Al stared out the window at the end of the hallway seeing a guy dressed in a dress for whatever reason who was freaking out and covered in something weird that Alfred couldn't tell of from this distance.

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