I've lost all hope.

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I stood across the street on the pavement looking at my house. I held my jacket and walked across.

I got the spare key under inside the bird feeder, and opened the door.
Inside was cold, like it hasn't been touched. I put the key on the counter and walked to my room.

I opened my door and saw my bedroom the same as I left it.

I put all my stuff down on the floor by the door and went toward the shower.

I took off my clothes and got in the water was warm, I stood there thinking.

What did I do
Why did I leave
Will they miss me
Will I ever see them agian

Tears formed my eyes. Gerard deserves someone better than me, more mature and around his age,
Frank Deserves the same.

I'll miss Mikes he was like a protective brother.

Ray he was like a dad kind of keeping everyone in place and being in charge.

Bob was quiet but I know he was cool.

I will miss them but I know I made the right choice,

(Gerard's p.o.v)

I saw her run. I stood there shocked what do I do,
I looked at Frank. He was quiet.
Mikey ran after her.

A couple minutes passed and Mikey came back.
" she's gone,. She ran and took a bus"
He said.

My eyes widened and I ran out of the mall. I ran out the back door. And into my car, I put the keys in and drove off with a running Frank and Mikey.

Frank got in his car, I saw in the review mirror. I sped off going to the hotel.

Traffic was so hectic right now.
Every single time. When your in a fucking rush every damn slow driver is in front of you.

I yelled in frustration and honked the horn.

The light turned yellow and I could of made it if it wasn't for this car in front of me. Stopping.

I slammed my fists on the wheel
"Come on! You could of made that" I yelled.

It felt like eternity until the light turned green but, in reality I knew it was only a couple of minutes.

I finally got to the hotel. Jumped out of the car, not caring where I parked and bolting out of the ride running to the stairs onto the floor I was on into the hotel room. I opened the door with the key and practically ran inside searching for any sign of Jade.

I noticed all her belongings were gone along with a note on the table by the bed she slept on.

I unfolded the note and scars through it reading every word that put a stab to my heart.



(mikey point of view )

Frank and I arrived at the hotel after seeing Gerard's car being towed.

We got in the elevator and went to the hotel room me and jade were staying in and saw Gerard Starring blankly at the scene outside the balcony, the room was a mess. Blankets thrown every where. A couple of holes in the walls and the mirror shattered with the lamp broken beside the smashed TV.

I sighed. My older brother has completely lost it. He's insane.

I walked over to him noticing he had puffy red eyes and a note clutched in his hands. Tears still streamed down his face with sniffles happening.

He wiped his eyes and threw the note on the ground. No words were spoken between us. But I knew there was a reason involving Jade because I saw her neat hand writing on a peice of parchment that would probably change my whole calm aditude.

I picked up the paper reading every word cafefully.

"Dear Friends. ,
I'm sorry but, I have to leave, you guys can go back to touring and being happy without me. I was had someone who got in the way of you guys. My time with you guys was amazing, it's time to move on. Forget about me,
Gerard you can be with someone older, more mature, someone your age, who has so much love for you and sees you like I truly did. Like Lynz for example she's beautiful, charming and I much as I hate to say this, she's perfect for you, I can no longer be with you like this. I love you Gee but, this could never work.
Frankie, you deserve the same, someone your age, who knows you more and is more fun. Your so energetic and make me smile. You also have to let go. And take care of everyone. I love you but, I wasn't in love with you, I was in love with someone else. I like you, and I card for you. I can't stand seeing you get hurt so I need for you to move on.

Mikey. Mikes you are so sweet and careing like an older brother I always wanted. Take care of Gerard. I love you Miley. Your like a brother to me.
As for Bob and Ray thanks for being there. I never really got a chance to properally hang with you hush and meet you, you guys seem cool and maybe one day we will.
All you guys mean so much to me. Thank you for showing love and careness toward me it means a lot. Just be happy and move on. Love u guys.. Goodbye for now maybe. I'll see you guys agian one day.

Sincerely your friend Jade
Xoxo "

By the time I was done reading I had tears in my real. I decided to take her words to move on but never forget. Because I felt the same her being my little sister. I feel bad for Gerard but what can you say. I'll probably see her agian one day.

Frank read through it and left taking his anger somewhere else. I claimed the mess Gerard made with the help of Bob and Ray when the returned.

Age Is Just A Number (Gerard Way COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now