{{ 15 }}

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During this chapter, it is advised that you do not have sharp objects, nor breakable objects within reach. Please read this chapter with caution. I am not responsible for deaf neighbors, broken windows, injuries, loss of breath due to crying and so on and so forth.

-M. J. Grant


Chapter 15 - Meghan's POV

"Ready for Hogsmeade?" asked Payton, on the snowy, late November morning.

"Yeah just a second," I replied, pulling a black and yellow scarf out of my trunk. I wrapped it around my neck and fixed my hair in the mirror.

"Wait-" said Maci, who had just entered. "You guys aren't going with your boyfriends, are you?"

"I'm not," said Payton, shrugging. "He says he has business to attend to, and I assume his twin does as well."

Maci laughed and turned to look at me.

"I told Cedric that I was going to Hogsmeade with my friends," I said with a grin.

"Great!" said Payton. "Girl's trip!"

"It won't happen if we don't hurry," said Maci, looking at her watch. The three of us hurried out the door and into the common room.

"Gosh, it is so hot under all these bundles," I said as we walked quickly up the stairs.

"You'll be glad, though," said Maci, a little breathless from our scurrying. “It’s freezing outside!”

We handed an irritable Filch our permission slips and set off for the village.

“So, who is Cedric going with?" asked Payton hesitantly, as if the matter was fragile.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Probably just some friends."

Payton looked down at her feet, and walked in silence for quite some time. Maci hummed casually to a dreary tune and skipped. The birds whistled in the trees and we could just see the village up ahead.

"Does someone know something that they aren't telling me?" I asked, finding it odd that the two of them had not spoken in minutes.

"Well," said Maci, eyeing Payton for help. I crossed my arms and stared intently at both of them.

"It's just that-"

"Cedric and-"

"That Ravenclaw-"

"-Cho Chang"

"Have been, well"

"Hanging out lately-"

"-And we're just"


"Come on, you guys!" I said with a laugh. "There's nothing to be worried about."

There was hesitancy in my voice, however. Cho and Cedric had been hanging out lately. It was no secret that they were good friends. I shouldn't be worried. Trust comes first in a relationship. I need to trust Cedric. I trusted that he would never betray me like that.

"I don't know-" said Maci, not daring to meet my eyes.

"I trust him, you guys," I said quietly. "I trust him."

Payton opened her mouth to protest, but Maci nudged her.

"Then I do, too," said Maci, smiling.

I Trusted You {Cedric Diggory}Where stories live. Discover now