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As mentioned in the introduction, this season is a randomised team of three season. We have a total of 33 players meaning we will have 11 teams. Let's find out who's with who!

Team 1:
Tylarzz, TheBestGinger13 & SlavDaRussian

Team 2:
Chanse, Scope_H3ad & ItsAustennn

Team 3:
Huahwi, Cristian & Mentally

Team 4:
BlueDeww, Smqcked & SamAGaming

Team 5:
Zyper, iBeaturscore & MrProBow

Team 6:
Barcode, JackD88 & Kezin

Team 7:
RealHazza, PrivateFearless & Dfield

Team 8:
Kill4uraa, ZMCNikolai & ProHulk

Team 9:
Creeperfarts, BiboyQG & Lennox

Team 10:
SuchSpeed, Danteh & iBearHD

Team 11:
xNestorio, Grapeapplesauce & xhockey

Let me know what you think of the teams, I find them to be really exciting. I'll try put out another part tomorrow but I'm most likely going out so idk if I'll be able to. Anyways, thanks.-Liam

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