12. New information

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Chapter 12:

Cole's POV:

Even Lily couldn't suppress my concerns, so I hired some men to find out all they can about Nick. I know he's hiding something. I hired the men the day after mine and Lily's fancy dinner, it's been a few weeks since then. Almost a month, seriously how long does it take to find someone's personal shit.

I shake my head, today I will not think of him. Today I will only think of my Lily.

We've been together for about three years and I love her with all my heart. Even with all we've been through I think it's brought us together more, so tonight I'm finally going to ask her to marry me.

I set up a nice romantic dinner outside, under the light of the full moon. I trailed rose petals from the front door and out to the table.

Of course I'm as challenged as any guy when it comes to romantic stuff, so I asked some of the maids for help.

Lily has a late class today and won't be home until 8 or so but the timing will be perfect. I just have to make sure she comes here alone! Not to bring Nick or one of her other friends from class.

I called her after I got home. I took the rest of the day off so I could get everything ready.

"Hello," Lily answers. She should be just getting to her college now.

"Lily," I smile,"Tonight I planned something special, so don't bring how any friends and come home right after class."

"Aw!!" she squeals excitedly,"Your so sweet. I'll be there right at 8."

I smile,"Good I'll see you then."

"Kay bye my love."

"Bye my love."

I hang up smiling, now to get some flowers then set about cooking dinner. I could have my chef cook it but then it wouldn't be as romantic and from the heart.

All the maids and my butler think what I'm doing is so sweet, but they might just be saying that because I gave them the week off.

As the clock gets ever closer to 8 I'm starting to get nervous and excited. I truly love her and wouldn't think about backing out now, and I'm sure she loves me too, but there's always that doubt.

I shake my head, no dark thoughts. Think happy thoughts, like.....uh...unicorns pooping butterflies or something. That's what people think of right?

Eight o'clock rolls around finally and I sit near the front door waiting for Lily.

Seconds go by. They soon turn to minutes, then hours.

I pace around the living room. She's only... I check my watch, TWO HOURS LATE! That's ok though right? She'll be here, she wouldn't forget. But...what if she got into an accident or something! She could be hurt! DEAD!

Before my mind can continue and before I run out of the house to search for her, my phone rings.

"Lily!" I answer quickly.

"No....I just called...."

I groan annoyed, it's Simon. One of the men I hired to research Nick.

"What is it?" I snap.

"I just wanted to call to inform you about something interesting we found."

"Look I can't talk right now, I'm waiting for Lily and...."

"This is about Lily. Just hear me out."

I sigh but now am curious,"What'd you find?"

I hear him move the phone and shuffle some papers,"Ok, so according to what he told you, he went to Stanford University in California right?"

I nod,"Yes what of it?"

"Well it turns out he didn't attend Stanford," Simon tells me,"He went to Bellview."

I shrug,"So...."

"So....Bellview isn't a college. It's a institute for the mentally insane!"


Hope you liked the chapter, I'm personally proud of it. I know its short but it was pretty damn good, comment if you liked it and want more.




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