chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Harry’s POV

I sighed and pulled the hood of my jacket over my head as I walked into the parking garage of my building. I saw the car standing in all its expensive glory.

“Sir? Can I help you?” A man asked, he wore the hotel uniform making me realize that he was the one in charge of the garage.

“Uh…” I stuttered. “Yeah, sorry there wasn’t anyone at your desk but I’m here to pick up my car. It’s that Locus over there.”

“Okay, may I see your receipt?” He asked.

“I don’t have one, sorry. My stepfather owns the place so no one gave me anything.” I said clearing my throat awkwardly, best acting award goes to Harry Styles everybody.

“Oh… Um, alright wait here and I’ll go grab my boss, yeah?” He replied giving me an uneasy smile. He then retreated up the stairs.

Okay, Styles, here’s your moment.

I ducked under the desk and looking through the several of keys, I grabbed the one with the Locus logo on it.

I ran over unlocked the car and dove into the front seat. I put it into the ignition and gunned the vehicle.

I drove out of the garage with people yelling at me waving their arms. I realized why Alice’s kidnapper picked this particular car, the windows were blacked out; bullet proof. Not to mention all the bells and whistles in this car.

What happened to just a radio?

Something popped up on the touch screen radio reading “Incoming Call” I pressed the answer button hesitantly. “H-Hello?”    

“Good work, Mr. Styles.” The same voice from earlier growled. “The rout guidance I programed for you will take you directly where I need you too. I am watching you, wouldn’t want anything to happen to the bitch right?”

“Put her on the phone.” I growled. “Now!”

The man laughed crudely before someone else cried, “Harry?”

“Are you okay? Did they touch you?” I said quickly.

“I-I’m okay, I love you.” Alice stuttered.

“I love you too…” I sighed sadly. “I’m coming to get you okay?”

“Isn’t that sweet? Well, we better go now. Enjoy the ride.” The man chuckled and ended the call.

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