Chapter 9.2

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When Luke and Ashton arrived at the carnival, they were greeted by a displeasing amount of paparazzi. Ashton rolled his eyes taking his car and parking half a mile from the fair grounds, "The paps are crazy, haha." Ashton chuckled nervously trying to calm his nerves.

"Ash, it's fine. Who gives a shit if they see us?" Luke raised a brow at the anxious brunette.

"They're just extremely invasive. They want to know about me along with all the bands I've signed. I'm a goldmine of opportunity for them." Ashton bit his lip as he placed his dark sunglasses on. He reached into the glove box and pulled out an extra pare for the blonde boy to wear.

"Why do I need these?" Luke chuckled considering he's far from famous, "No one knows who I am. I won't be needing these." Luke scoffed giving them back and crossing his arms. When Luke opened the door he squeaked from the blazing sun and quickly shut his door. He turned back to his sugar daddy with pouty lips glancing to the shades.

Ashton smirked, but handed back the glasses with an I told you so look plastered all across his face. They both got out of the low built car and joined hands as they walked towards the side gates. One of the paps seemed to take interest in the 'couple', but that was probably only cause they were two guys holding hands.

They successfully made it to the ticket scan and made it into the park area, "What should we do first?" Ashton asked his blonde haired beauty, "We could go on a roller coaster or maybe the Farris wheel?" He suggested grabbing a map of the grounds.

"I've always wanted to go on a farriswheel." Luke blushed making Ashton smile. He leant over and kissed Luke's cheek taking his hand again leading him towards the line.

"Then the Farris wheel it is." Ashton smiled.

But before they got into the line they noticed Calum and Michael heavily making out on the boat ride, "Let's marvin Gaye and get it on?" Luke sang jokingly. They both chuckled and moved on quickly, still knowing they might need to have a chat with their friends.

Heyy, long time no update? My mom checked out an iPad from her schools library, so I'm writing on this. I have problems writing on my computer cause it's just inconvenient for me.

I am gonna be working on another few chapters since I have this thing til Wednesday. If you'd like, you can check out my other books that I update frequently and others are completed. I love you guys! I got a puppy, by the way haha.

This chapter is also a bit shorter sincere its a part two.


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