"Just Friends"

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Derek "Just Friends"

To Dillon:
Hey Dillon, idk if I could handle being just friends with Derek.

From Dillon:
Tell him how you feel bestff

To Dillon
You know what? I should.

I made my way to Derek's house. I opened up and all the boys are here. Okay great I was trying to talk to Derek alone but all the boys are here.

"Y/N" my bestie Dillon calls out. I  made my way to them.

"Sup boys" I said. They just waved hello or nodded there heads up a bit.

"Hey mami" Derek whispered in your ear bringing you into a hug. (Like this)

"Hey Derek" I said plainly

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"Hey Derek" I said plainly. The boys were drinks and playing and of course smoking.
I decided to go to the back yard and breath in some fresh air. After a while of being outside I heard some footsteps, didn't pay much attention.

"y/n" I heard Derek whisper.

"Mhmh?" I look down at the floor.

"Can we talk?" he asks.

"Yeah" I say and I sit on the ground cause honestly I'm a lazy fuck. Derek follows my lead.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Us. I don't know what we are and I want us to be some thing! I don't want any games any more. I want you, can you give me a chance no more fooling around. I want to be able to call you mine. Will you be mine mami?" Derek rambled. I pulled him into a kiss.

"I take that for a YESS" he smiled widely. I just nodded my head. We went back inside and I saw Dillon and I gave him the thumbs up and he knew what I was talking about. We were sitting with the group and Derek made me sit on his lap. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"Y/N" Dillon called me out.

"Yea?" I say.

"Hi" he says.

"My best friend is stupid"
I say making the boys laugh.

After and while of hanging out with the boys and making us laugh at stupid shit. I kind of started getting tired. Derek wouldn't stop kissing me. He finally kissed me on my lips, it was sweet and gentleman I miss his rough and passionate kisses.

"Y'all finally dating?" Nate asked.

"Yea. Mami is mine" Derek said proudly.

"FINALLY" Sam screamed.

this one is a happy one. Bc I'm happy today! Happy weekend everyone!

Updated: May 28,2016

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