1 ✗ Meet and Greet.

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Meet and Greet

A minute with you is worth more than a thousand days without your love.
~ Justin Bieber

"Next!" the towering bodyguard in a black shirt - with a Justin Bieber logo on - grumbles whilst gesturing all of the people in the building to their idol.

You heard a scream of excitement emit from the girl in front of you and then a very familiar chuckle that belonged to the man of your dreams. Your eyes widened as you saw Justin standing in black leather pants, a white polo shirt and three pure golden chains. He looked so hot standing there and his black and white SnapBack on backwards just gave him the perfect look. He managed to pull everything off. He could be wearing a bin bag and he would still be the most gorgeous man you had ever seen.

He wrapped his arm around her neck as they both smiled at the camera and you felt your stomach bubble in jealousy, but it was seconds until that would be you.

"Next!" the same bodyguard grumbled and you rolled your eyes.

With every step you took the faster your heartbeat got. You felt your eyes prick and his eyes flickered to yours. Instantly he smiled and you fell in love with him all over again. You also noticed how much more perfect his eyes looked in person.

"Hey, cutie," he chuckled and then opened his tatted arms. You gasped and then jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Wow," he laughed and you inwardly screamed as his hands rested over your butt and lower back, although he couldn't hold you anywhere else as you clung on to his body. "What's your name?"

You let out a shaky breath and then let him go, his scent lingering around you. He smelt so good! Much better than the way the fan-fictions you had read said. You smiled and answered as his arm remained on your lower back, still sparking fireworks.


He rose an eyebrow and then smiled.

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful face," he winked and you blushed, your eyes widening and then you giggled looking down. You never would have thought he would flirt with you. "Look at the camera," he cooed and then attacked you in a hug.

"I love you so much, Justin. I support you through everything and I just wanted to tell you that you're so important to me. You're such an incredible inspiration and I'm proud to be a belieber," you whispered after the camera clicked and then you turned around to look at him.

His hazel pools softened even more although you didn't know it was possible and then his skin at the corner of his eyes creased from how much he was smiling.

"Beliebers like you are the best," he chuckled and then hugged you once more. "You guys put a smile on my face and all the love and support you give me warms my heart. It gives me life and motivation to do what I love doing. That might sound weird because I love to do it but it's true," he nervously chuckled and you smiled leaning up on your tip-toes to press your lips to his warm cheek.

"You're so perfect," you mumbled in his shirt and he rubbed your back.

"Next!" the grumpy guard said and you sighed in disappointment.

Your three minutes were up.

"It's a shame that you have to leave but thank you so much for everything and I hope I make you proud on stage," he winked and you couldn't help but allow the blood to gather in your cheeks.

You giggle and nod before waving and walking towards the exit as your heart exploded into a million pieces.


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