I-I'm sorry

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Hyuk POV
Hongbin and I made some fruit salad for everyone. We all ate it and it tasted pretty good! After a while, we rested and changed into our training stuff, or practice stuff, whatever it's called. Most of us wore sweat pants, but those of us who didn't wore jogging pants. I honesty get mixed up by the two still. Hongbin looked so hot in his practice clothes, but then again, he looks hot all the time. By the time it was 11:45am N-hyung and Ken-hyung returned back to the dorm. "Morning Hyungs!"

"Hey Hyuk..." They both said

"Yeah... Morning N and KEN. Might I ask, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO?" Leo yelled. Whoa... He never yells.

"We were just crashing at Soo Eun's place." N said to Leo.

"Oh..." He looked down and kind of zoned out. Who was Soo Eun?

"We are truly sorry though Hyung, it won't happen again." Ken said politely.

"Yeah yeah... Can we go and practice now?" Leo asked.

"Oh yeah! Yes! Let's go and practice guys!!!" N cheerfully said.

"N, I have to ask you something later..." Leo began to say. N

N led us out of the dorm and we followed him all the way to the practice room. Once we all settled in and stretched out our bodies, it was time to practice our dancing. "Uh N-hyung?"

"Yeah Hongbin?"

"Are we going to practice our singing as well today?"

"Of course! We have to be perfect in EVERYTHING we do on stage. It's for the starlights right?"

"YEAH!" We all agreed.

"1, 2, 3, and 4!" N began to count. From there we started dancing everything. And I don't just mean the recent dances we have, I mean EVERYTHING. From Voodoo doll and Hyde, to Chained up and Depend on me, we danced to them all. I have no idea why we did all those dances, but it was actually really fun. I quite enjoyed it. After we practiced dancing for hours, we stopped and had a short break. When the break was done, we continued practicing, except instead of dancing, we were practicing our singing, or rapping if you're Ravi.

Once we spent hours and hours practicing everything, with tiny breaks in between, we were finally done for the day and could finally relax.

"Good practice... Right guys?" Ravi asked, wiping the sweat off his face.

"Yeah... But let's go home so we can.... Shower now." N said out of breath.

"Okay!" Leo agreed. "First one there, showers first." We all nodded and headed straight for the door, after picking up our things. While we were all going to the door, Hongbin looked at me and shifted his eyes to Ken. I simply nodded and knew what to do. He walked up the stairs with the others, but I held Ken back in the practice room for a little while longer.

"I-I'm sorry Ken-hyung."

"Sanghyuk? You don't have to call me Ken-hyung! Jaehwan is great too you know... You alright?" Tears were forming in my eyes once more. He's not going to accept my apology, I just know it. He hates me.

"I-" He rushed over to my side and hugged me.

"I've missed you Sanghyuk." He stopped hugging me after he said that. Tears were also forming in his eyes, and some were even rolling down his cheeks. "We've been best friends for so long and nothing, nothing will ever change that. Got it? YouRe my best friend Han Sanghyuk."

"And you're my best friend Lee Jaehwan." And finally the water works came out. A river of tears were flowing down my face and the same thing was happening to him too. We probably looked like two girls who literally just made up from a fight. We were friends once more.

After our crying moment, we wiped each others tears away from our cheeks. Then we walked up the stairs and went straight to the dorm, with huge smiles on our faces.
Hongbin POV
We finished practicing our voices and our bodies. What a day! Once we were done of the day, we all started walking to the door, one by one. Sanghyuk looked quite sad, and I knew why. He was sad because of Ken. Even though he was sad thought, I knew he wasn't going o go anything to make it better right now. I looked over at him, just as we were all walking, and I sort of made him go talk to Ken. You could say I spoke to him wit my eyes or with my mind, and he understood it. Anyways, he got the idea and pulled Ken over to talk. The rest of us went up the stairs and followed N back to the dorm. When we got there, we showered one by one, making sure we were clean. I don't know about Wonshik though... He has some issues sometimes. Once we were all showered and clean, the two friends came back. They both had huge smiles in their faces, it's just so great to see then as friends again. They both seemed kind of lost without each other. I should also thank Ken too. If it wasn't for him helping me out when I needed help, Hyuk and I may never have been together. Ken calmed my emotions and assisted me by talking it out with me. Without him, I know I would not be who I am today and I might not be with who I'm dating today. I owe him A LOT, do helping me and Hyuk. I'll make it up to him somehow.

"Hey Ken-hyung!" I yelled. He quickly took his shoes off and came towards me.

"Hey Hongbin! What's up?"

"Thank you. I never really got to tell you properly."

"Thanks for what?" He looked so confused.

"Well 1: for cheering Hyuk up. and 2: for helping Hyuk and I get together."

"What?" He still looked confused.

"Remember when u was crying that day because I thought that Hyuk didn't like me? You spoke to me and helped me by talking out with what was wrong. I finally got the courage that I needed to properly ask him out. I need a tiny nudge to make me spread my wings and help me fly. You gave me that tiny push and I learned to fly. Without that nudge, I never would have learned to fly. I make no sense right now, right?"

"Whatever Hongbin. No need to get so deep or anything like that. Just let me use you shampoo for a while and yeah." Then he walked off to take my shampoo an shower. I saw Hyuk already sitting down, pretending not to listen, but I knew he was eavesdropping the whole time. "Did you hear all of that?" I asked.

"Yeah and thanks Hongbin." He stood up and flung his arms around my neck. He came so close and held me so tight, I swear I was going to die.

"Alright, alright. I get it. I love you too."

"Yeah yeah..." He broke apart from the weird hug and looked into my eyes. "So how's life?"

"Oh brother..." I face-palmed an chuckled. Han Sanghyuk was no comedian whatsoever, but he could make me laugh anytime, anyplace.

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