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 Ringo's POV:

I can’t believe I done that I said that I’ll be down the park at 1 and now it’s the next day “John are we finished?” I asked putting my drum sticks on the floor looking at the clock with dread.

“Yeah that was our last take...why?”  I got up and quickly put on my blazer looking down at my watch every few seconds.

“I gotta go, I’m a bloody day late” I ran out of the studio and jumped into my car, speeding off to her house as I knew she wouldn’t still be down the park.

I arrived at hers at quickly got out of the car and rushed to her door, I knocked on it repeating until someone opened “yes, what you want?” she said and I had a feeling that she was Jane.

“I need to see Claire” I said looking in, to see if i could see her.

“I take it you Ringo, right?” I nodded.

“Right you little sod you said you were gunna be at the park at 1 right, she gets all dressed up and everything and the next thing I now she comes home soaking wet, crying like there’s no tomorrow” I knew I should have just said to the boys that I wouldn’t be able to make it.

“I know just please, let me see her” Jane pushed me up to the wall by my neck tightly “I will but you do anything like that to her again and I’m gunna be coming for you” she stepped aside and I came in.

“She’s upstairs 1st on the right” I ran to her room pushing open the door as fast as I could.

She was crying to herself sitting down leaning on the bed with her legs pulled up to her chest, curled up in a ball  “Claire?” I said walking round the side of the bed, she looked up and quickly got angry.

“you said you would be there” she shouted, I sat beside her waiting to hug her but I chose not too since I knew she was hurt badly and it was all my fult.

“I’m really sorry, I really am” she buried her head in her legs not wanting to say a word “I’m not gunna ask you to forgive me as I know I’ve hurt you, it’s just I really didn’t look at the time and I know I should of and I hate myself so much for hurting you, please, I'm sorry” the room feel sight lent for quite a long time till I very slowly put my arm around her and she didn’t reject it but instead cuddled up to me, we both sat there feeling depressed and upset for a couple hours till she fell asleep in my arms “I’m sorry” I whispered kissing her before I picked her up and placed her on the bed, wrapping the covers over her to keep her warm.                                                                                                                                           

I left the room and went back down stairs “umm Jane, Claire’s asleep on her bed and I’m gunna go just tell her I’m uh leaving Liverpool tomorrow at 12, not to sure if I'm gunna wanna come back ” she nodded knowing that I felt bad and that i didnt mean to hurt Claire, I walked out of house and drove back to mine going straight to my bedroom to pack...

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