Wandering and Panic

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     Three periods later,  I was terrified to go to the next class.  These last two classes were the only ones I had without Zoey.  All three of the other classes were about the same as the first.  Zoey asked to write for me,  the teacher said yes. The only difference was no Aaron.  I was quite scared for my next class.  This next class was going to be scary.  I didn't have Zoey this time.  I didn't know if I was ready.

    I realized my next problem.  I had no idea where my next class was.  I was wandering around the huge school with no clue where to go.  The bell blared throughout the school.  I was late.  I began to panic.  The halls were deserted.  There were no teachers. There were no students.  No one but me stood in the hallways.  My throat began to tighten.  It was coming.  I was going to have a panic attack.  

    My stomach was flipping like a pancake.  The world began to get darker.  I felt tears rolling down my face.  I wanted to wail out but my body wouldn't let me.  I felt my legs give out from under me.  I fell to the floor.  No one was there to see.  Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders.  The world had already gone dark. I couldn't see anymore.  I heard the most reassuring voice I could possibly hear.  "Skye!  What happened?"  Zoey sounded concerned.  In the few hours I had known her, she had been so carefree and brushed everything off her shoulders.  This time though, she seemed very very worried.  "Help...me..."  I said.   

"Oh my god!  Skye do not faint, whatever you do!  Calm down you're fine."

"....Okay.."  My vision began to clear.  It was nice, having Zoey just sit here, holding me up by my shoulders.

"You're fine Skye.  You don't need to panic."

"Why aren't you in class?"  I finally managed to say.

"I had a feeling this might happen."

"How did you know?"

"Easy.  You're shy.  You're nervous about today.  You're different...in a good way of course.  I knew you would panic if you couldn't figure your way around.  I stalked you like a creep to help you."

"Thanks Zoey!  You're literally the best!"

"I know.  Now go call your parents and go home.  You can't stay at school like this."

I felt my forehead.  It was soaked with nervous sweat. I was a mess.  Zoey was right.

"Will you still come over to watch Youtube after school?"

"Absolutely!  See you later?

"Yep!  I'll text you!"

I'm back and here to stay! Thanks for putting up with me for a week!


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