33. Done Deal

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Original Published Date: 01 April 2016



I had reached the house and saw that Timothy and Melissa were together with a little boy. I'm guessing that was his son, they look alike. I stuck around for a minute when I remembered I was supposed to meet Cassandra at the closest playground. Timothy's kid is a sweetheart, nothing like his father, but much like his mother. Timothy is going to have to tell her what he really is, if Donald is really his son he's going to be a werewolf and Melissa will kill him for waiting so long. So I whispered that to him before I left.

I arrived at the park a couple minutes later, I couldn't find Cassandra until I heard soft snores coming from the slide. I saw her laying down, all gentle and sweet, but as I walked toward her the moonlight reflected onto her face! It was bruised and cut. Something's not right here.

The moment I say that I hear a crack, and turn around and I saw Jonathan and he swung a shovel at me, but luckily I ducked. I didn't waste a second tackling him. We rolled and I can't help but think I'm not going to win. He's fighting for something, something big and I won't be able to hold him off.

He managed to get his feet from under me and pushes me far, and my back meets the pole of the playground. He grabs me by my hair and slams it repeatedly. He continuously punched me, kicked me, kneed me, anything to cause me pain. I couldn't control any of my limbs, guessing I have a concussion from my head being slammed repeatedly against a steel pole. His fingers laced around my neck. I hear a click. "Let him go Johnny." My vision becomes hazy, but I think I see Cassandra holding him at gun point. "Please, I don't want to kill you." My eyes close, but my hearing doesn't leave.

"Go ahead. He's dead, and now I get to leave you here to rot without him or anyone else to love you." I start to feel neck trickle with sweat, but soon realize its blood from my head.

"No. You're wrong. I will be loved, but unfortunately. I'm the last face you'll ever see." I hear a click and the gun goes off. Only seconds later, Joanathan heavy weight drops on my back.

The small groan I released made my eyes go wide and I see Cassandra. "You'll be okay, Calvin." She cradles my head as she kicks Jonathan's dead body off of me. I hear her chuckle. "Calvin? Can I ask you a question?" She asks sweetly.


"Left or Right?" I look up and manage a smirk.

"Right." I say playing along to out stupid stupid stupid game.

"Car or truck."

"Shut up and kiss me, Cass." Which she did.


Sorry for the short chapter this book probably has one or two more chapters left,

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