Chapter 12

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Before I went back to see Maura I went on the computer and checked on her file and sure enough it says she's been admitted to a few other hospitals within the last few months with injuries consistent to what we found plus more, she's been to Mercy West, Seattle Press and a few more. I sighed and went to see Maura.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as i entered the room, a women I've never seen before was here, and she must be her neighbour.

"Okay," she said

"When can I go home?" I looked at her and back at the women.

"Would it be okay if I speak to Maura alone, please?"

"Sure," she said and walked out

"you have a few broken ribs and a fracture in your lower leg and few bruises, but I also found quite a few old injuries, like your other broken ribs your broken arm, everything isn't fine is it" I asked as i sat on the bed, tears started filling her eyes.

"No," she cried.

"Jane left me. Our parents don't accept it, and they made Jane stop seeing me, and instead of fighting, Jane left." I didn't say anything.

"my parents thing I'm a disgrace, that there is something wrong with me, they are ashamed and embarrassed and hate me, they say I disgust them that they wish they never had me, that I'm a sad excuse for a human being and that loving a girl is wrong and that I belong in hell"

"Maura, did they do this to you?" I asked.

"No, I fell down the stairs,"


"I did, but I could barely walk with my leg, so I ended up falling down the stairs."

"Have they been hurting you?" I asked she just nodded. I sighed and carefully took her into a hug, calming her down until she stopped crying.

"It's going to be okay, but I have to ring social services."

"No, you can't," she shot up out of my arms.

"Maura, I have to, I can't let you go back to them,"

"You'll make it worse,"

"I won't okay, its going to be okay." I left the room and called Social services and told them what's happened. They said they would be here within the next half an hour.

"Hanna, make sure that young girl doesn't leave that room, okay?" I told the nurse on the desk. I went and spoke to the neighbour, told her that I had to keep her in for a little bit longer. Just then, my pager went off, 911, great, I ran down the corridor to the room, where a 10 year old boy called Ben was in. I ran in and saw his was struggling to breathe. I opened his mouth.

"his airways are blocked. I need to intubate." I opened his mouth wider and inserted the tube down his throat into his trachea. Within a few seconds, he sat stabilized. Once I finished seeing him making sure he was okay, I went to get a quick coffee. On the way back, Hanna, the nurse, came running up to me.

"Dr Robbins, she's gone."


"The girl in 206, she's gone a man, and women took her. I tried to stop them, but I couldn't." Shit

"Calm down, how long ago"

"About 10 minutes, I've called security,"

"they'll be gone by now" fuck,

"I'm so sorry" Hanna said

"hey don't be, its fine its going to be okay I'll call the police"

I told Maura she would be fine and now she's back in the hands of her abuses, I called the police and they said they will go to the house and keep an eye out for her. How could they treat such a lovely girl like this, she's done nothing wrong apart from love another human being, I was lucky that my parents didn't care as long as I was happy, I guess not everyone is like that.

The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about Maura I've been keeping in touch with the police.. they went round to the house and took the parents in to custody but Maura wasn't anywhere to be found, they said she ran away when they got back from the hospital. I don't know whether to believe that or not for all we know they could have killed her and hid her somewhere, I hope not. I couldn't help but think the worst I went to the attending lounge luckily it was quiet so I sad down and I couldn't help but cry at the thought of something happening to this little girl, she's been through so much already she doesn't deserve any of it. There was something about this girl that makes me want to protect her, I felt this way when I first saw her a few months back, she reminds me of a younger me and I'm not sure why.

"Arizona, what's wrong" I looked up and saw Callie enter the room she quickly came and sat next to me.

"the young girl from this morning, turns out her was being abused so I called social services and while we was waiting I got a 911 and when I came back Hanna said she's gone, her parents took her, the police have got the parents but no sign of Maura they said she ran away but I don't believe them, I mean you saw her injuries, if she did she wouldn't have gotten very far, what if something serious has happened." I cried, Callie pulled me into her arms, and I felt safe like I always have done in Callies arm.

"the police will find her okay she survived getting run over by a train and all those other injuries and that tells me she's a fighter, they have caught the parents and if she's alive which she will be, she will be okay and they will find her okay"

"but what if they don't she's so young, she doesn't deserve this"

"I know she doesn't but getting like this is going to help is it?" she asked I just shook my head, she's right thought crying and being like this isn't going to help, right now there is nothing I can do except wait for news, and until then I can go help people that I can help.

"thank you Callie, you always know how to help me" I smiled looking up not realising how close our faces was, our eyes suddenly locked and before I knew it I leaned forward and our lips connected.

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