15.1K Reads: Thank You, Part 1

995 17 5

Narrator~Chan: We are in London, in the house of two roommates. Both come from different dimensions/universes, both conjoining in this one universe and dimension. Dj, the one with the long hair and blue eyes, is on their laptop and lying down towards the top of their bed. Elric, the boy with the short and shaggy coffee-colored, silver tipped hair and midnight black eyes, is making notes on his scouting journal so he can somehow send a copy back to his original universe. Then, suddenly, something miraculous happens to Dj.


Dj: *looks at Wattpad, and sees that they have 15.1K reads on this story. then spit-takes the tea they're drinking* WHAT?!

Elric: *looks over at them from his scouting journal* What's up?

Dj: Oh. My. Freaking. Llama. I HAVE 15.1K VIEWS ON ONE OF MY STORIES!

Elric: *smiles* I'm very proud of you. *ruffles Dj's hair*

Dj: *dances around like a maniac* YAS YAS YAS YAS YAAA-HAAA-HAAAS! *falls over onto bed again, making Elric bounce a little from the impact*

Elric: Why don't I make you some of that cheese, potato, leek soup that you like as a reward?

Dj: Yas plez!

Elric: *smiles and goes to make my celebratory soup*

Dj: (to viewers) Thank you all SOSOSOSOSOSOOOO much! I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you all, and am here for you if you need me!

Narrator~Chan: Dj feels much gratitude and appreciation towards her followers, and goes to-

Dj & Elric (who is yelling from the kitchen): Shut up, Narrator~Chan! Leave us alone, your part is said.

Narrator~Chan: Oh, poo.

Dj & Elric (who is in the room temporarily): *waves* See you all in part two! Ask us some questions! Goodbye!

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