Oliver's head began to ache as he tried to figure out Todd's words but all he could figure out in the moment was that he was incredibly lucky that he had been sorted into Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw because he really hated riddles and that entire year in Hogwarts so far felt like one giant riddle he couldn't answer.
"Todd, it's been a long day, and this is the most confused I've been in a long time...what are you talking about? Your strategy? I thought you were helping me with Melanie? Were you working against me? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
"No, Oliver, I wasn't trying to work against you. I'm your best friend I would never do that. All I did was help you. Everyone kept saying that you and Melanie were meant to be, but you didn't see it and I wanted you to see why... so I helped you. I helped you like I would to get Melanie and you to the level you needed to be to see if you two could work in a relationship. It took awhile getting there...a good while really. Which I expected honestly. But I continued to help you along. I got you to the point where you and Melanie could go on a date."
"But why Todd?"
"So you could realize that you don't like girls, Oliver. Merlin, I really do have to spell everything out for you."
Oliver sat in silence for a few moments. He had opened his mouth several times to protest Todd's statement, but each time he did, he couldn't bring himself to speak.
"How do you know all this?" He finally asked Todd.
Todd leaned against the wall and shrugged. "Because I've already been through it myself."
Oliver's brow knitted together in bewilderment.
"What?! But...no...you're always talking to the Hufflepuff girls!"
"A cover up if you will, but in all honesty, those girls live up to their house traits, they really are kind and tolerant."
"So you were never talking to them about...you were..." Oliver squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. "Merlin, Todd! Why couldn't you have just told me all of this?! I'm your best friend."
"I wanted you to figure it out for yourself, Oliver. Everyone's always telling you what you should be doing or how you should feel. I figured if you actually spoke and got to know Melanie on a personal level you would realize it all on your own."
"Well...it worked! But she kissed me, Todd! I...I wish I had figured all of this out before she kissed me, now I'm going to look like a real git."
"If I'm still being honest with you Oliver, I don't think you hold Mel's interest as you once did."
"You don't think so?"
"I'm pretty sure."
The two boys sat in the corridor as students passed along heading towards the Great Hall for dinner.
Oliver swallowed. "When did you figure out all this..."
"We've been friends for awhile Oliver, I could just pretty much tell. This year you just kinda made it a bit more obvious. The way you act around girls, you just seem uncomfortable if they show any interest in you."
"But I hang around Katie, Angelina and -"
"They're not interested in you, Wood."
"Oh. So does that mean...that you..." he peered over at Todd through the corner of his eye.
"Look at you figuring things out on your own!" Todd laughed.
Oliver shook his head with a small laugh of his own. " I can't believe you had this all planned out this entire time, Todd..."
"Well, you quidditch players aren't the only one with smooth moves and strategies." Todd smiled proudly.
"Right...I'm still unsure about all this Todd..I mean...even if I don't like girls I don't know what this means..."
"We can figure it out...together then."
"What do you mean?"
"How about I show you?"
"I am so glad this holiday is over!" Carter told Ace as he walked alongside the boy on their way to the Great Hall. To avoid further chaos, Ace agreed to help the younger Anderson with his homework in the library, which worked out to their benefit as no one but Madam Pince was in the library that day.
"It shouldn't even be considered a holiday, if you ask me." Carter said. "Too much drama. You know what needs to be a holiday?"
"A No Drama Day. I would celebrate that so hard!" Carter said clenching his fist together with an intense look.
"Calm down Carter." Ace told him before placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Before you hurt yourself."
"I'm just saying, I really would appreciate a day where-" the two rounded the corner only to find Oliver lip locked with someone.
"That's not my sister." Carter whispered to Ace.
"No...that's Todd?"
"I'm done." Carter threw his hands up in the air. "I am so done trying to figure you guys out! You like her, she likes him, he likes him, he likes everyone....I'm done!"
"Trust me, Cater, I'm just as confused as you are right now." Ace said. "Possibly even more than you."

Strategy { Oliver Wood}
FanfictionTo say that Oliver Wood had a slight obsession with Quidditch was an understatement. It was borderline unhealthy. He loved the sport, but he hated losing. While he hated losing to any team, there was one team he hated losing to the most. Surprisingl...