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You people are absolutely, chaotically, positively, amazing!!!!!!!

I thank all of you!!! 😊😊😊😊

Now I'm gonna give you a 1k special, it is gonna be in a fanfic for 'A Love Between Two Sides' it's a little scene from it, and the reason I chose this seen was because it doesn't spoil anything and also because it's a scene from one of my favorite movies. And the song, you either love it or hate it. Plus this scene is in a WORK IN PROGRESS MODE. Let's begin!!

Beginning of sneak peek:
The bell rang and usually went home since it was the beginning of spring break!!
(Fun fact: I just started my spring break😝)

Instead they all went to the football field to watch the home game between the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts, two teams that have the urge to beat one another in sports and education. All the students were sitting on the bleachers for the game to start and sunset shimmer was talking to Adagio, Aria, and Sonata until she saw Aria staring off into space, not paying attention to anything.

"Who are you thinking about Aria?" Sunset asked.

"W-What makes you think it's who? It could be that I'm just tired!!" Aria said in a tone like she doesn't care.

"Are you really tired?" Sonata asked.

"Yes." Aria replied.

"Are you REALLY tired?" Sonata asked again.

"Yes!!" Aria replied with a little bit of anger in her voice.

"Are you really REALLY sure?" Sonata asked once more.

"I'm gonna punch you so hard if you're gonna ask that one more time!!! I dare you to say it!!" Aria exclaimed angrily, but she didn't since the game was about to start.

It was a very rough game for the Wondercolts. The Shadowbolts became better then last season and was scoring pints without a sweat. The team was getting beat up pretty badly and the students knew it. During halftime the team huddled up to discuss a new plan until Shadow Thunder looked behind him and saw Aria looking bored as heck. Then he got an idea, he then told his other teammates the plan and then the game started again. This time, the Wondercolts got better and the score was getting higher!!

The students cheered and befor they knew it the game ended and the Wondercolts won!!!!! Thanks to Shadow Thunder's idea, the team lifted him up in the air and cheered for him. All of the students that were on the bleachers started to jump with joy since their school won the game. The dazzlings decided to clap as well, and for the first time...Aria smiled. Not that sarcastic smile, but a sincere smile. Shadow Thunder looked at Aria and smiled back at her. From the time that he had known her, Aria never smiled until now. Sombra noticed that he was staring at her and he put his hand on his shoulder.

"Do it man." Sombra said.

"D-Do what?" Shadow asked.

"Ask her." Sombra replied.

"WHAT?!?! I can't do that!!" Shadow exclaimed.

"Bruh, you know what to do and now is the perfect time!!" Sombra said.

"How do you know?" Shadow asked with a bit sass in his voice.

"Let's just say I was forced watching ALL of the known high school musicals." Sombra said.

"I feel bad for you bruh." Shadow replied.

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