Riku X Reader

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Right now you were balling as Xehanort counted down the moments till he destroyed your childhood best friends Sora, Kairi and Riku. Xehanort had hopes the group would come running if something had gone wrong. Sora had always known about Riku's love for you. They were trying to find there way into the room when suddenly they heard Y/N screech "' Help! Riku, Sora , Kairi!" Kairi ran towards the door as they opened it. Pretty soon Sora and Kairi had raced after Xehanort when it was just you and Riku. Riku unlocked the cage you were put in almost as a wild animal. " Thank you so much!" You said as you hugged him. Riku then smiled and never wanted the hug to end. Finally it ended as you realized you had feelings for him too. Pretty soon you kissed as Sora and Kairi watched from the door

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