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Hey guys! How are you? I hope you're doing well. And if you're not, that's okay. Just remember there's always tomorrow and tomorrow's a new day, a clean slate.

Anyways, that's beside the fact, it's just come to my attention that I've reached 2000 followers. That's fucking crazy! (In a good way, of course. Always in a good way.) And I've just got to say thank you, a thousand times, thank you.

Honestly, my followers, my readers, you mean everything to me. I know I've said this before, but if weren't for this website and for all of you, my stories would still be saved on Microsoft Office Word 2003 (yeah, I'm old-school like that) for no one to read but me. And they definitely wouldn't have evolved into what they are today. You all have made me grow as a writer and a person, and you've definitely helped me gain the confidence I desperately lacked three years ago. So once again, THANK YOU!

As always, I want to do something to show my appreciation, but problem is I'm the most indecisive person in the world and have no clue what to do. Anyone have any ideas? I've done Q&As before, and I'm totally up for that again (I love answering your guys' questions), but if there's something else you've got in mind, please feel free to comment below or send me a message, whichever works better for you =)

Alright, guys, that's really all I've got to say is I love you with all my heart, you're amazing and don't ever forget it, and thank you so much!

Your Author,
Rachael <3

You Only Call Me When You're High (FOB Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now