Jax's P.O.V
" Jax are you alright?" asked Renae. She was lying on my chest.
" What do you mean?" I asked. " You were wonderful by the way."
" Well duh," she laughed. She stopped laughing and inhaled deeply. " Something's on your mind. I know. You can talk to me about it if you want."
" You won't laugh or judge me right?" I asked. I never really talked to people about what's on my mind all the time. But Renae was actually a nice person as I could tell.
" No. I'm just here for sex. But I'll help you if you want any."
" Well okay. A girl keeps running through my mind. I don't know what's wrong with me....at all." I laughed. It was a fake laugh. To hide true feelings you know.
" I never thought that would come from your mouth." she giggled getting up and looking at me. " So what's the girl's name?"
" Toni." I breathed. " She's new to school. She's not like anyone I've ever met. She's fiesty, stubborn, and she doesn't want me." The last few words were more like a question. Like why? Everyone likes me.
" I've gotta meet this girl. She sounds interesting. Is she beatífica?" she asked.
" Yeah actually, but she doesn't see it. She's cute not hot. There is a difference. I like hot girls."
" Eh. Do you want to sleep with her?" she asked. She was smirking now. Dear god I cant tell her that.
" Um,....yeah....." I said unsure.
" So you want more than just her body as I can tell. I wanna meet her. Give me the adress to her house." This was just ridiculous, but I still wanted to give her the number. Maybe I just want her body. Yeah that's it.
" Here," I said giving her a piece of paper. She smiled and began putting her clothes back on. I couldn't stop thinking about Toni. I liked to piss her off. She did this cute thing where she scrunches up her nose. Her brown eyes glaring at me. When she smiles, it's something new. Oh my goodness, no stop thinking about those things. There is a hot, sexy latino girl next to you.
" I'm going to visit this girl. Is she coming to the ball?" asked trying to fix her long hair. It seemed like it was never out of place anyhow, which I didn't get. Not a strand out of place.
" I don't know if she is." I grumbled. " How old are you?"
" I'm 19 idiot" she laughed. " I gotta go. Adios!" With that she walked out the door. More like strutted in her 4-inch heels.
" Ha, me and Toni," I mumbled to myself. " I've got girls at my feet. I don't need Toni. I could get Megan Fox. I don't need her."Toni's P.O.V
My mom and brother left the house. I felt sick. Ha lying. I only said that so I wouldn't go to school. I just wanted me some Vampire Diaries and eat EVERYTHING! I was about to order pizza when there was a knock at the door. I ran to it, meeting a girl that met the description of Jax's dream girl. " May I help you?" I asked rather confused. Victoria Secret models don't show up at my door.
" My name's Renae and I wanted to talk to you," she said smiling. She seemed cool.
" Well come in the Chamber of Secrets which is my room!" I yelled letting her in. Her hair was in a perfect high ponytail. She was wearing a tank top and a jean skirt and jean jacket. She kicked off her Ugg boots and sat on the couch.
" Vampire Diaries!" she squealed. " I'm in love with Stefan."
" Good cuz Damon's my man. So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.
" Let's say you've been on Jax's mind lately..." she said smirking. Ew. Not ew her, ew Jax.
" Ugh, well that's fantastic!" I yelled with a load of sarcasim.
" He said it's because you're different."
" I'm different yeah I'm different. Pull up to the scene with my ceiling missin'!" I rapped. " Oh sorry music moment. " She was just laughing at me. Even her laugh was perfect. Like no imperfection.
" You're funny. So how do you feel like Jax?" she asked. Her eyebrows were dancing. I do that thing when I get curious.
" Honestly..." I dragged on. " I think that he's an egotistical asshole who thinks he's all that. He's coldhearted and he's a butt!" She looked at me as if I was unsure.I've never been more sure in my life." Wow...I like you. I like the fact you don't let people toss you around. We can be great friends." she said hugging me. " But I have a question?"
" Alright."
" Have you ever thought about "it" she said quoted it with her fingers. " You know him and you, doing "it"."" HELL NO!" I yelled. She widened her eyes and took a deep breath. " Sorry for yelling, but no way in the blue hell, would I think of that.
" Well your loss he's pretty good." she said biting her lip." No details please. " I said in dusgust. Is it bad I don't think of that. Ew now I'm going to start thinking about it. Thanks Renae.
" No problem." she said with a smile.
" Do you read minds or something?"
" No but I understand english. You spoke outloud." she giggled. " I'm going to call Jax and tell him to come over here."
" No way. Leave him at school. I wanted to relax today and watch my boo kill people and be sexy. Yes because everyday, girl's way prettier than me come to my house, telling me about a guy I dispise. Big woopty doo. "
" Yeah I do this all the time." asked Renae. I noticed I spaced out again. Damn my idiotisy. " I came here because I like that you're not at Jax's feet like every other girl. You're cool. Are you going to the ball?" she asked.
" Sadly yes. I'm making a dress and going to have a mask. I don't want people to recognise me. They already don't like me because I insulted Jax....." I mumbled.
" Ooooh do tell," she said scooting closer.
The whole day me and Renae talked. She said that she was going to meet me at my house for the party. She actualy is a great person, who may sleep around now and then. She said it's because she had gotten out of a terrible relationship and wants to just play around until she's ready.
" Sweetie," said my mom coming in my room. " You know how you needed a dress for the party?"
" Yeah. I was supposed to make one but I got lazy. " I said, texting Kim.
" Well I got you this!" she exclaimed. I was now looking at a huge white dress. It was beautiful, a little. I wonder how I was going to dance in that thing?
" Wow it's beautiful mom!" I exclaimed. " How did you get this?"
" I ordered it. It was only 40 dollars. Most dresses like these are waaaaay much more. I'm tired I'll see you tomorrow sweetie goodnight."
" Goodnight." I looked at the dress on my bed. I had a mask from when I was younger and I still have it. It was from halloween and I'm glad I didnt throw it out. This is going to be one awkward party. O.O
*Next Day
" Toni, you're friend is here!" yelled my mom from upstairs. Right now, this dress was stuck and I felt like I couldn't breath.
" Hey gurl, whoa are you alright. Let me help!" she said rushing to me. She pulled it up and I was now not dying. I swear I was going to faint any second. I looked to see Renae in an Olive Green dress, appropriate for the theme of the party. It was thin at the torso. She looked really pretty. Her hair was really curly." Wow!" she exclaimed. " That dress is gorgeous and HUGE."
" Thanks. I just need to fix my hair and makeup and I'll be ready. I'm so happy this dress covers my feet because I'm wearing vans with this." I sat down in front of the mirror and got started.
After an hour, my hair was in a huge bump. A good looking one, with my bangs curled. I had the mask on my face and my vans on.
" Magical. C'mon let's go I don't want to be late for the party. I'm going to make sure that we make a big entrance.

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Teen FictionI looked around thinking how a public school could be so cliche. I've been at a boarding school all my life and this is ridiculous. You got your jocks at one table and your geeks at the other. Typical " Hey watch where you're going!" spat a g...