Part III: chapter 44- Paradise end

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Throughout the days I no longer had this impulse to please Chuck. Chuck stared at me grazing toward the glass walls, as in our house. Watching my every move knowing something was wrong in the sense of he didn't know.
Louis started coming by, a lot to see Henry. Henry growing every more each day until he hit 1 year old as now he was running around, talking, doing more than he was when he was just a little 8 month old. So fragile, so happy when he saw Louis, happier when he saw Chuck. But the same sense of ecstasy came over me when I saw Louis holding him while he slept, or playing with him.
Chuck slowly began hating me to the point where he pulled me down holding me by my wrists looking at me in the eyes knowing I had gave myself to other man, knowingly I had cheated on him. Ruined my vows, like he did so long ago.
"What have you done you ignorant woman!" He yelled, I laughed in his remark.
"You stupid man, have you no realized what you have done for these past 5 years?" I yelled, he slapped me across the face.
"We forgave each other for those things." He whispered at me.
I looked at him.
"I never forgave you." I hissed.
His eyes got glassy with destine.
"Why did you marry me than?" He breathed.
"I married you because I didn't have anyone else in this terrible, terrible life Chuck." I said.
"You had a fucking child with me Adelaide Percy." He said.
I looked at him, waiting to tell him the pertained truth.
"He isn't even your child you swine." I breathed out my face in front of Chuck's.
His eyes got large with the set tone of hearing the news.
"You're lying you're a disgusting human being, lying to me Henry is mine, he carries my fathers name in his middle and last." He said, I shook my head.
"He's more powerful than your father, and you." I laughed, thinking he was the prince of Monaco.
"Who did you have sex with rather than've only been with me." He looked at me. I shook my head.
"While you had relations with Blair my love, I had an affair with her now husband." I said monotoned.
He shot up as I laughed at his reaction, he backed up shaking his index finger at me.
"You little whore." He laughed, I smiled.
"You're so blind dear husband of mine. So blind." I said, I got up moving to him.
"Blair's Prince, Prince Louis Grimaldi is Henry's real father, his real flesh and blood father, he's been coming here trying to establish a relationship with him, and also me." I said, Chuck smiled.
"You're a little fucking tyrant Adelaide. I don't know, I realized why I couldn't fully understand you. You don't know how to love, you try to love and then you hurt everyone you come into contact with, you don't have a relationship with your mother, because you treat her like shit, I've wanted you since 9th grade, I've got you and I want to love you with every bounded breath that comes out of me and I don't know how to love you. Anymore, I don't know if I could." He said.
I looked at him.
"How dare you say I didn't love you, I loved you with every fiber of my being, every drop of blood that hit my veins were born to life from my heart that beats only for you Chuck, don't dare say I didn't love you when I remained a loyal friend, girlfriend, wife. And mother to you throughout all these years, the one mistake I made. I got pregnant, I had loved you. And I do love you, I just I'm uncontrollably in love with Louis, and he is with me. We can't deny it. " I said. Chuck looked at me, and smiled that teenager Chuck smile.
"Then why hasn't he divorced Blair if he loved you so much A?" He snickered. I looked at him.
"They haven't been married for a year, when they are they will be divorced we have talked about it." I said.
Finally the words washed over him, as he sunk the information in as he realized it the truth.
"We will have to get a divorce." I said softly.
Chuck's eyes teared up.
"No you will not, no, you can cheat on me, but never will my son be taken away from me. He's the bass legacy, no Adelaide." I laughed.
"He's not even your blood." I said.
He realized and barged toward me.
"You're a truant, a lowlife piece of shit." He told me.
"I'm not the one who's cheated out of pure drunken distaste for my life this, life you have all the money, and sex. Doesn't fill you, when that son of mine was born you forgot your former ways until I couldn't stand to talk to you, and you cheated, you lied for so long. You want to say this stuff to me about cheating when you cheated on me so many times with so many other people, some who I don't even know about. I cheated on you with your best friend when you had no idea I existed, when you and Blair were having sex behind my back, I finally realized I didn't need you, I made love to Henry, for 2 months and on the last day of our time in France I got pregnant with his child. It wasn't you, you thought all this time it was you, it was Louis who I've loved and wanted I had his child, he loves me, I'm going to be married to him, you and Blair belong together. Like Louis and I do."
He looked at me shocked that I would even want to get a divorce with him.
"We can't just get a divorce you wanted me for so long and you have me now, I'm begging you mind body and soul like we promised I will never betray you again." He said. I shook my head.
"That's impossible, you promised the first time and you broke so many promises. I'm keeping my sanity right now Chuck. We aren't healthy together." I said.
Chuck held his head, and started crying the night sky lite up with lights from the city, not the stars.
"Please Adelaide, if you leave you're gonna take a part of me. Don't.." He said.
"I love you.." He repeated walking over to me, he kissed me and then my neck.
"Stop, you're spoiling it." I said. He started kissing me again.
I slapped him.
"Stop Chuck, kissing me isn't going to help anything. I'm taking my stuff, my son and I'll be living with Serena until then. You can come see him, but they'll be a time where you will not see him anymore." I said.
"I practically raised him." Chuck said.
"He's 1, once he reaches 4 everything he see he will start remembering he will not remember anything now, with you playing with him, or feeding, changing him. Once Louis and I are together he'll remember Louis as his own flesh and blood, because he is. We'll be a family." I said.

I walked to the room and got a suitcase out, and started piling clothes in. Chuck locked the door behind him. He started crying, bawling.
"Don't leave me." He cried.
"You did so many things, you knew I was bound to leave Chuck." I said.
"I was stupid, and careless I didn't know what I had in front of me was the one thing that brought my happiness." He said.
"You messed it up, you should've realized that when I was still yours." I said. I got my suit case and my kid.
I got into the elevator, in a town car as Chuck ran out of the building.
He waved his hand screaming my name. As I buckled my son, we started moving as Chuck ran down the street.
Writing on the wall, Louis and I loved each other..

I walked out the car an into Blair Waldorf's old home where Serena lived as Louis sat on the couch, I opened the door and Henry was asleep Serena took him, as Louis held my face.
"Did you tell him?" He asked, I looked at my love.
"I did." I nodded. He laughed, and we hugged, he kissed me.

And I was done with lying to myself about my love for Chuck, he wasn't my everything.

He was my nothing.

XOXO Chuck BassWhere stories live. Discover now