The Missing Leader

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Starfire's POV
We awoke, all groaning from the pain of that unexpected shot. "Owww! What the heck hit us?" Beast Boy asked while rubbing his head "Whatever it was didn't do the job." Cyborg said and got up to look at the bomb again. "Come in Nightwing. Nightwing....Dick?" I kept repeating into our communicator "Nightwing isn't responding to his communicator." I told everyone "This is what happens when you go off on your lonesome, again." Raven stated while picking herself up "If he's missing, we must find him!" I exclaimed in great fear of Nightwing's well-being. "Okay. Everyone split up. Radio in if you find something." Cyborg ordered and we all broke off in the hunt to find Nightwing.

I flew over the city, looking around for anything that resembles Nightwing. I then saw something on a roof and went to investigate. It was Nightwing's birderang. "Friends, I found Dick's birderang on a random building." I reported in, and just looked up to the sky and said "Dick, where are you?"

I kept looking, and I didn't stop. "Come in Starfire." I heard out of the communicator "We cannot stop looking!" I stated, knowing that they wanted to stop very badly "Star, it has been 10 hours and we have found nothing that would lead us to his position." Ravan said, in a very tires manner "But-" "I'm sure he's fine. He's probably off finding Deathstroke like always. So can we pleasssseeeee go home." Beast Boy interrupted, and I sighed. "I'll report back immediately." I said and started flying back to the tower. Nightwing, if you are out there, please be safe, for me.

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