Weather for a wetter sweater.

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"So we've almost lost all the cameras and haven't gotten a single photo legitimate anyway, and we're trapped in a cave with a hobo and a giant metal monster." Dipper sighed shaking his head.

"I'm not a hobo dang nabit, I live in a shack at the tip." The man announced.

"You... That's not much better." Mabel admitted. She then noticed his reddish skin and pointed ears. "You aren't wearing your amulet."

"Why should I hide my true self?" He muttered. "Names Old Man McGucket."

"That's great dude, but do you think you could move that thing so we can go home?" Soos said. "I'm getting kind of hungry."

"No can do there buckeroo." McGucket mumbled. "The rocks. It's broken now." Dipper sighed.

"Alright let's not panic maybe there's another exit." He said.

"Exploration!" Mabel shouted.

"I don't like this exploration!" Mabel shouted.

"Come on Mabel we've exhausted every other option. If there is room under the machine maybe we can swim out. Your the best underwater swimmer here." Dipper explained.

"But I really like this sweater..." Mabel complained.

"Yeah but Mabel if there is a way out it will get wet anyway. No big deal, I bet you can make a sweater just as great if not better than that one." Soos offered.

"Alright fine..." She grumbled. She stuck her legs in the water and took off her amulet. "Hold this." She muttered handing it to Dipper. There was a splash and a hint of a tail fin and she was gone.

"Well how bout that. A mermaid. Don't that make you a mermaid too, boy?" McGucket asked nudging Dipper's side.

"The term is Merman and no, I'm not a merman." Dipper said moving away. There was a moment of silence and then a splash of water, Mabel looked annoyed that her sweater was soaked.

"There's a way out but I don't know if it's big enough for Soos."

"That's okay dudes, I can change my size. I'm a slime monster."

"So gross... Yet so cool." Mabel breathed.

"Wouldn't you dissipate in the water?" Dipper asked.

"Nah, I don't mix with water. It's like oil I guess." Soos mumbled. Dipper shivered at the thought but said nothing.

"Alright let's g-"

"Hold up bucko, I want to know what kind of freaky monster you are." McGucket said.

"Why is that important?"

"We're all friends here, ain't it natural to tell them everything?" Dipper wasn't sure he'd call McGucket his friend but it really wasn't a secret.

"I'm a Cervitaur."

"What's that?"

"He's half deer." Mabel input. "And all adorable."

"Okay that's enough of that I want to go home." Dipper murmured. He jumped into the water and swam out from under the machine followed by McGucket and Soos. Mabel came out last making sure everyone had made it out okay. McGucket ran off yelling something about deer and the end of the world, they just rolled their eyes and made their way back to where Stan was fishing on the shore with an upset expression. The twins looked at each other and walked over.

"Hey, Grunkle Stan." Mabel said. He looked up at them confused at why they were dripping wet. And why Soos had no shirt on.

"I take it the monster hunt went well."

"Not as well as you might think."

"Yeah well I had a great day fishing, I made new friends and met the lake police, I've got to wear this anklet now so that's something."

"You... Got time for a little more fishing?" Dipper asked. Stan's annoyed glare became a soft glare.

"I'm not fishing but I'm soaked anyway so I'm going for a swim." Mabel said discarding her amulet and diving into the water. For the next two hours Dipper used the little space on the camera left to take pictures of family bonding day.

A figure stepped out of his truck with a blank expression, he was holding a shotgun. His eyes narrowed at the sign before him. "Gravity Falls, it's good to be back." He said with a laugh that could bring shivers down the spines of even the toughest creature in the woods.

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