I'm Baaaack

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It's past February, my least favorite month. I'm mostly okayish.

I found out my friend is into demonology and the occult, which is really cool. He's awesome. He asked me about my religion so I told him I'm a satanist. We haven't talked much since I don't see him much around school, but I talk to his girlfriend every day and they're both awesome. She came over during our conversation and asked him, "are you talking talking to our son about satanism?" and of course he was just letting me know which shelf in a local bookstore has a good copy of the Satanic Bible and warning me about Ouija boards. It's awesome. They've decided to be responsible parent figures in my life(they're 2 and 3 years older than me) and they call me their son.

I've started playing ukulele. I can play several songs and I've almost got Space Oddity completely. I might post a recording of something sometime.

I auditioned and made it into our school's chamber orchestra so I'll be in the most advanced group. I'm going to take as many music classes as possible over the next few years.

I'm still writing music and generally being an angsty, nerdy emo  teenager.

Dysphoria still sucks and depression still sucks but I'll be okay.

I believe in every one of you and I'm here for you. I love you. Never quit fighting.

Hmmmm... Idk what to talk about.

There's a school dance coming up and I'm seriously considering putting a tie or something on my music stand and taking it as my date. Seriously. It just depends on whether the school will let me. I will waltz to the slow songs and dance with it the entire night if they let me take it into the dance. I may even post a picture of us if I go.

Ooh does anyone have suggestions for the next clef to learn to read after treble clef, and what instrument(s) to start with in another clef? Thank you.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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