Chapter 1

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I screamed a single word out loud before I could stop myself, searching frantically for signs of Mabel hearing. Luckily, she kept drifting through her little oblivion, unaware of the word I yelled.

Bill. Cipher. He was in my dream, my nightmare, one that left me sweating and my sheets soaked. Except... it wasn't a nightmare, not really. I don't know what to make of the dream. Parts are faded, like old Polaroids that have been loved too often. Other parts, however, are impossible to forget.

Like the part where Bill kissed me.

I couldn't get back to sleep: whenever I closed my eyes, I just saw him. I stumbled downstairs, my only light coming from the beautiful full moon gazing through the triangular windows. Everything around me reminded me of this demon, I can't take it.

And that's when I remembered - Bill Cipher was a demon. Like the devil. He would never do anything I saw in my dream, so I should forget this ever happened, maybe get a couple more hours of sleep.

Except I couldn't. I couldn't pretend it didn't happen. I didn't think I'd ever forget, since, then, I thought the unthinkable.

I had feelings for an evil dream demon obsessed with destroying me and my family.

That couldn't be right.

What was wrong with me? I had to sleep, my mind was driving me crazy. It's not true, I told myself over and over as I stared at the stars from the window in the kitchen. It couldn't be.

Apart from one crucial detail that held me back: my uncontrollable urge to see Bill, touch him, hear his voice ringing in my ears. But he was gone, and there was no way he can come back, or so I thought...


So that's the first chapter! Sorry it's kinda short but I literally have no idea how to write a convincing billdip fanfic that hasn't been done a million times before. Still, hope you liked it! Love you guys,
Em xx

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