Chapter 14 - Day-Off Jealousy

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(A/N): If something gets depressing I have been reading sad Levi x Reader fan fictions for the past hour for some reason so I kinda have a depressing mood in me but I will try my best not to be super sad XD. The picture is kinda what u look like in the beginning, your in underwear and a bra but wearing Levi's shirt so.


Your POV

I woke up by the chirping birds, shining sun and my lemon-lime smelling Levi. Hehe, he smelled nice. I squinted my eyes a bit and untangled my arms from Levi's chest. I slowly opened my eyes more and pushed my (H/C) hair out of my face. I sat up slowly only to be pulled down by a strong force. I smiled

"Good morning, Lev." I said softly, he smiled, god he had an amazing smile

"Good morning, (N/N)" he said, now that I think about it we have to get back to the house, Kaito is probably there by now.

"I'd love to stay here with you but we have to get back to my house. Kaito is probably home by now and i'm starving." I said getting up and stretching. He groaned in annoyance 

"Can't we just stay here for a little longer? I like the view." he said, getting up as well and putting on his pants. I smiled, "I would love to but don't we have training today? What will they say when they notice were gone?" I asked walking around the side of the bed and next to him.

"Today is the day-off remember?" he replied, turning to me "And i'm the corporal, if i'm out, they wouldn't be worried." he used his index finger to tilt my head up a bit (because he is 2 inches taller then I am) and gave a me a passionate kiss. I melted into the kiss and kissed him back. I pulled away and smiled

"Lets go." I said grabbing his hand and us both walking to the house.

~~~~~Time Skip Skip To The House : 9:43 AM~~~~~

I walked up the stairs and opened the door "Kaito? Kaito! I'm home!" I yelled, looking around for him. "Hm, I guess he's not here-" I was saying 'till I got cut off by yawning.

"Umm, who are you?" I asked as someone with sandy blonde hair and icy blue eyes walked in with his shirt a bit unbuttoned and he was in some jeans. I looked back at Levi and he was a bit annoyed someone else was here. "I'm Jason, you must be (F/N). Kaito's sister." he said, smiling. I was still confused "How do you know my brother? Why are you-" I stopped and blinked, then it hit me. "You're..." I couldn't speak, I wanted to cry, Kaito he finally

"Good morning everyone! Who's ready for breakfasssst? Cuz I sure am! Haha!" I snapped out of my thoughts to my sweet, sweet Kaito. I smiled and a few tears filled my eyes "Eh? What's wrong, (N/N)? Do you not want breakfast?!" he exclaimed and I shook my head 'no'. I walked up to him and gave him a big hug. "Your happy... your finally happy..." I whispered, I could feel his eyes widen then close and he pulled me in tighter.

I pulled away and wiped my tears "breakfast will be ready in about 15 minutes" I said "Lev, come with me for a sec. Jason and Kaito you can do you're thing for now" I continued, I gestured for Levi to come with me upstairs. He nodded and followed me up.


Kaito's POV

I watched as my sister and Levi walked upstairs, I smiled to myself 'I'm glad your happy too, sis.' I thought. I sighed and turned my head to Jason and smiled. I kissed him and it felt as though sparks fly every single time we do kiss. "Come on, lets go play uno!" (A/N: I KNOW, I KNOW! UNO DIDN'T EXIST BACK THEN BUT THERES NOTHING TO DO SO DEAL WITH IT.) "Alright!" he replied and I grabbed his hand and we both ran over to the living room.

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