❤Love Triangle❤

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Stephanie was Running back to the manor and the only was there was Damian

Damian: What are you going back so early and where is Brown

Steohanie:She was captured by blue Mask and this blue stuff started coming out of the walls and we have to go save her

Damian:how do I know your not lying


Damian was shocked at Stephanie's outburst and hurried to the batcave to get dressed at robin

When he was done he and Stephanie left to the place cassandra was last

Damian:Are you sure she was here

Stephanie:Yes the only difference is that window but she wouldn't be able to she sounded too weak from the smoke when I left

Damian hid the note in his pocket and went back to stephanie

Damian:She probably escaped let's go check at the manor and see

After looking all over Stephanie looked some more then finally agreed

Stephanie:I guess but when Bruce comes back were going to have to explain to him what happend

Damian not wanting to hear hours and hours of a lecture

Damain:Let's look around Gotham

While they were looking over Gotham Cassandra actually was safe and sound asleep until...

....Cassandra wake up

Cassandra woke up and saw......

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now