Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Just to stop all the worry Snow's not dead! Nope don't worry i don't think I'll ever kill her cuz she's like the main character but if i have to I might ;-;. I mean if I have to like twist the story up more. ;-;

Lunar's POV

"Mom! Mom!" The people threw us in a metal thing in the back of a weird, big, loud thing. It was hard and when they threw us in, Komo and I let out a small yelp.

I rose to my paws to look for my mother but she was no were to be seen.

I called out to her but she didn't respond, though I could smell her in the wooden box next to us. The men walked away but when they came back they had a blanket and put a it over the metal thing.

The path was bumpy as me and Komo flew around the metal thing from side to side.

"Maybe they don't know we're also humans?" Komo asked. "Should we change?"

"No! You know what mamma said! Humans hate werewolves and vampires! We're hybrids! Imagine what they'll do to us! We haven't really learned how to control our hunger mom says, so what if we bite someone?!"

Komo flattened his ears but then we were both flown across the cage.

The car rattled but soon came to a stop. I could hear the door open and close and the rustle of dead leaves as people came closer.

I let out a whimper and Komo and I crouched down and crept to the back of the metal thing.

A man took off the blanket and opened the thing. He reached in to grab us and we both turned around and clawed at the bars in the back.

The man grabbed our scruff and jerked us out. I clawed the air trying to get out but it was no use.

Two other men carried in the box that held my mother. The box was still.

'Is she dead?!' I whined and pawed in the detection of her crate hoping to see the crate shuffle, but it lay still.

Once we were inside the men brought us to a room. There was a bigger metal thing, a small broken crib and a metal table.

Near the table there was a wooden chair that a man was sitting on. He got up and turned to look at us.

"Is she in there?" He asked. The men nodded and the other man pointed to ethereal thing. The men put down the crate near the thing, opened the metal door and scooted the crate in front of the open door.

They opened the door of the crate and it started to shuffle. I heard a growl as my mother raced out ramming into the back of the metal thing moving it back a little. She quickly turned around and raced for the opened entrance but the men closed it on her. She rammed into it and stepped back.

"Lunar! Komo!" She yelped. I let out a terrified howl and tried struggling out of the man's grip. It was no use. The men were to strong.

Another man brought in another metal thing about the same size and placed it farther away from my mother's.

The man walked over to Komo and I, paused to look at us, and then walked to my mother. He crouched down so he was eye to eye with her.

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