Arachnophobia (A tiny Rogers drabble)

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The sound of a blood curdling scream from you was a sound that Steve wouldn't soon forget. His body and mind immediately shifted into an adrenaline-fueled reaction; his senses heightened and his body moved with speed that he didn't realize he had. He bypassed the tower elevator bays and ran for the stairs, taking them three at a time until he reached the floor that held your shared room.

"Steeeeeeeve, hurry!"

He threw your door open, but he didn't see you. He felt steam from under the bathroom door, remembering that you had gone upstairs for a shower after your workout. He pulled the door open with such ferocity that it nearly came off the frame.


When he stepped inside, he stopped immediately at the sight before him, not believing what he was seeing.

"Steve, you have to help me," you said in a shaky voice, on the verge of tears. You pointed towards the shower from your position crouched on the sink.

Steve took a few steps forward and peered over the rim of the tub and sighed, his body relaxing from the anxiety that had gripped him only seconds before. "Babe, it's a spider."

"I know it's a spider, get it out of here!"

He smiled to himself but was unable to hold in his laugher, glancing at you as he grabbed a tissue to collect the insect. "I've seen you kill a man with your bare hands, and you can't kill a spider?"

"Steve, just do it, please." You watched with a look of disgust as he took care of the vile creature, walking past you to throw it away. "No! Don't throw that away in here, what if it's still alive? What if it has family that wants to seek revenge? They'll know it was me."

"Technically, it was me, so I think you're safe," he chuckled, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving you to your shower.

"Thank you, honey. You're so brave," you smirked, closing the door behind him. He looked down at the tissue in his hand and thrust his arm forward, getting it as far away from himself as he could, feeling a shudder course through him as he ran for the nearest garbage.

"Ugh, gross," he mumbled, "why did it have to be a spider?"

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