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Movies, this weeks theme. We got to pick our favorite songs from our favorite movies, but there's a catch. A group competition, boys vs. girls, mash ups, my specialty.

A: Finn, this isn't your fault.
F: I just want to find Ms. Pillsbury and bring wemma back together. I feel responsible.
A: Look, Mr. Shue says that they're hurt and that they need time.
F: I need them back togehter or I may just break down right now!
A: Ok fine then what do you suggest we do?
F: I don't know, that's the problem.
A: Ok well let's start with her parents and see where it goes from there.
F: Good idea.

Boys first. The did a mash up dedicated to Tom Cruise, Highway To The Danger Zone/Old Time Rock And Roll. Blaine, Joe, and Artie were dressed as pilots and Ryder, Sam, and Jake were dressed in only a white dress shirt and glasses, no pants. Damn they killed it! Especially Ryder.

Now its the girls turn. We all went into the bathroom to change. I noticed Marley looking a little nervous, she hasn't been her usual self lately, its like she's been avoiding me. Ryder's been acting a little strange too, but I just thought maybe it was his grades or something.
Kitty's POV
I had noticed Marley being super fidgity and weird lately, so I went up to ask her what was going on.
K: What's going on?
M: What?
K: I know things Marley, if you don't tell me, I'll figure it out for myself.
M: *looks around then back at Kitty* If I tell you something, do you swear not to tell anyone?
Of course I crossed my fingers, I'm obviously gonna tell someone.
K: Swear.
M: Ryder kissed me.
K: *gasps* OMG. Have you told Arica?
M: No, how was I suppose to? She'd hate me.
K: Say no more, I completely get it. Let me give you some advice since were now BFFs. Boys are like lumps of coal, they're dirty and cheap and they get hot when they're rubbed. And some turn into diamonds, so collect as many as you can.
I walked away after that. I'm so telling Arica about this, she deserves to know that her donkey toothed boyfriend is cheating on her.
Arica's POV
We performed a mash up of Sparkling Diamonds/Material Girl. It was so much fun, even though I'm not a huge fan of skin tight dresses.

We all went with Mr. Shue to help him win Ms. Pillsbury back. She's been staying at her sisters house. We got there and sang Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes. I'm guessing everything went well because she came back.
Marley's POV
M: Ryder kissed me.......and I let him.
Jake walked away and left me there crying my eyes out. I have no idea what to do. I just need a shoulder to cry on, but Arica probably hates me, if she knows.
Arica's POV
One text from Kitty and I was storming my way through the hall to Ryder's locker. I saw him there getting a book. I ran over and slammed the book down, my eyes watery.
R: Arica, what-
I was crying now. I took the necklace and ring that Ryder got me, my hands shaking, I threw them at him and ran away, bawling my eyes out. I heard him yelling my name and saying please wait, but I didn't listen. I kept running all the way to my house. I ran upstairs to my room and cried my eyes out for hours on end.

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