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The week went by pretty fast. I hung out with Connor some nights and the girls too. I've haven't talked to Mathew or Kian since our date and the prank thingy. I wonder what was going to happen at Vidcon. I packed my bags during the week and called my parents telling them I was going to California for a week, but they didn't pick up so I left a message. Tonight was Thursday night so me Connor and the girl did a mini party thing and I brought all my language with me because I knew I was going to end up sleeping there. We had pancakes for supper and watched movies with popcorn, talked and laughed and by 11 we all fell asleep. Andrea fell asleep in her bed and Jenn in her's and Connor and I fell asleep on the couch. He had his hands around my waist so my body against his. I woke up the next morning and it was early. I went on my phone and checked my twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media. I got out of Connor's grasp and got in the shower. I wanted to look nice for his friends today. I got out and got dressed. I put on a white cropped top, a flowered skirt and a jean tank top jacket. I took out my make up and did some light pink eye shadow, some black eye liner and some mascara. I brushed my teeth before putting on some sparkly lip gloss. I walked out of the bathroom and everyone was still sleeping. I took my pillow and started with Connor. I smacked him in the face with it. "What the fuck man?!" He yelled. I giggled and went to wake up the girls the same way. "C'mon! Lets go get ready, I want to get to California!" I squealed. Everyone got up, Connor kissed my cheek. "Well, you look gorgeous this morning!" and went to the bathroom and got dressed and the girls went and took their showers after. I texted Kian telling him to meet us at Andrea's room now and we were all set and ready to go by 10. Our flight left the airport at 1 in the after noon but we wanted to get there early. On our way to Andrea's car I texted Jc that we were on our way to the airport and I was going to see him in about 4 hours. We put all our junk in the trunk. Me, Connor and Jenn sat in the back and Kian was in the passenger set while Andrea drove. When we got to the airport we passed through security and went to take a seat somewhere. "Flight 114 To California!" The lady on the intercom said. That's our flight. We all squealed and rushed to the plane. We gave the lady our tickets and left our language. We got on the plane and took our seats. I was sitting with Connor, I was next to the window. And Andrea and Jenn were sitting in front of us and Kian was with an old lady, haha sucker! I put my iPod and listened to my music. I was awake the whole way there unlike Con next to me sleeping his head on my shoulder. But it was cute. "Please buckle your seat belts we are preparing for landing." The lady said. I shook Connor and woke him up. "We're in California!!" I whispered excitedly. He giggled and we buckled our seatbelts

After we landed we went to go pick up our bags and waited for the boys to come pick us up. I wasn't sure we were all going to fit so I guess I'll have to see who will be our driver. I was sitting on my suitcase when all of a sudden I hear a boy scream "Hey, Con Da Bon! Keen Da Been!" I turned around and I was guessing it was Ricky. He was super tall. Connor and Kian ran up to him and gave him a huge hug, it was so cute. Ricky hugged Andrea and Jenn and then I was next. "Well, look at this lovely lady, you must be Emily. Hi I'm Ricky." He said hugging me. I pulled away "Yup, that's me, I know I watched a few of your videos the other day, you're hilarious." I laughed. He smiled. "I get that a lot!" We talked a bit and headed to Ricky's car. There was barley any room so I sat on Connor's lap in the back with Jenn on Andrea's lap, Kian in the front with Ricky. Then I heard my song come on the radio: Florida Georgia Line - Cruise (Remix) ft. Nelly! I put my window down and asked Ricky to turn up the volume. I was singing along while everyone else laughed at me thinking it was funny. I was just having a little fun.

We arrived at this huge house and it was all so surreal to me. California was so beautiful. There were palm tree's everywhere and it was just a dream come true. I got out of the car and went towards the house. "We're just going to hang out at Sam's house for a bit then head to the hotel." Ricky said before opening the door. He walked in first followed by Kian, Jenn, Andrea, Connor and lastly me. I heard screaming and yelling and I was assuming they were happy to see each other. "Yo! Con, Hey Keen Da Been!".. "Hey Girls, Jenn, Andrea, I missed you!" Everyone hugged everyone and then there was me. I felt like I didn't fit in very well. Andrea took my hand and dragged me to the center to introduce me to everyone. "Ok everyone, this is one of my bestest friends Emily!" I smiled and waved "Hi!" "EMILY!!!" I heard Jc's voice come from the back. He popped out of the crowed and I smiled so big, I was so happy to see him. "JAYCEE!!! OMG I'VE MISSED YOU!" I screamed jumping in his arms. He twirled me around in circles then put me down. "Wait you guys know each other?!" Ricky asked. "Yah we used to be best friends, well we're still best friends but when I moved to college well we didn't talk that much." I said hugging Jc's arm. I took a quick look at Connor who didn't look very impressed. I gave him a look that said 'Don't worry, we're just friends'. He looked at the ground. I felt bad but he wasn't going to keep me away from my best friends no way! We all talked, hung out and got to know each other. After about 2-3 hours we all headed to the hotel, it was situated close to where Vidcon was taking place so that was good. I shared a room with Andrea and Jenn, Sam, Kian and Trevor were together and Jc, Ricky and Connor together. But I knew they would all change rooms and run around anyways. Me and the girls set our stuff in our room then we went to check on the guys in Connor's room. I walked in and the place was already trashed, literally. "Oh my god! this place is a mess!" I said. The guys all looked at me and laughed "So what?!" they answered. Ugh, I sat down on one of the beds with the girls and we talked while the guys fooled around, braking windows (Jc) and walking around in boxers (Sam). After all the trashing the guys got bored and they were all on there phones. I wanted to go explore in town and go to the beach and stuff. "Does anyone want to go to the beach and skateboard in town?" I asked everyone. The girls agreed they were coming but the guys didn't move a bit, their eyes on the screen and fingers texting. I swear they're addicted. So me and the girls went back to our room, I changed into some short because obviously I wasn't going to skate in a skirt. When I was done we grabbed our Penny boards and our phones and we hit the big city. We arrived at the beach and it was just so gorgeous. Me and the girls picked up our boards and ran to the water. We just walked on the side of the water and talked about things. We got hungry so we found a ice creme shop. We walked up to the cash and ordered what we wanted. When the lady was finished she gave us our ice cremes and I paid for everyone. I turned around and bumped into someone. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." Thankfully I didn't drop my ice creme on them. I looked up and saw a tall, very skinny girl, brown long hair and I can say... she was pretty. "Umm.. Excuse me?! Did you just bump into me, You better watch where your going little miss" She said bitchy like. Andrea and Jenn both jump in front of me like if they were protecting me or something. "Let it go Kimberlie, Ii was an accident." Jenn said. The girl, I'm assuming her name is Kimberie sighed. "Just lets forget this happened and move on, Ok?!" Andrea said grabbing my hand and walking away. I'm telling you I was kinda scared of that Kimberlie girl. We walked a bit then when we finished our ice crèmes we got back on our Penny boards and went back to the hotel. We got to the hotel and went strait for our room. We put our penny boards in and we went back to Con's room. We knocked and they didn't answer so I texted him

Emily: Connor?! Where are you guys?"

Connor: We went to Froyo. Come meet us"

Emily: Ugh but we just skated to the beach and back"

Connor: C'mon, Its not far at all. Its like 2 lights down, Anyway, ask the girls, they should know"

Emily: Fine we'll be there in 15 xx"

We walked to Froyo and looked around for the guys. "Over here!" They waved. I sat down beside Connor and held his hand. "Are you ok, you seem scared or nervous." Connor asked me. Maybe I was scared, I was stressing about that Kimberlie girl,.. But I wasn't going to tell him anything "No, I'm fine." I said trying to sound innocent. We all laughed and chilled for a while then walked back to the hotel. This time we went in Sam's room. Everything was quiet until I had to ask something. "Umm.. So what's with this girl Kimberlie?! It seems like the girls have a little problem with her?!" Everyone looked at me with big eyes. What did I do. Why is everyone freaking out?!....


Thanks for reading. So!? What do you guys think? Please comment below some suggestions, ideas I could use :D I will try and update as soon as possible. I love you guys xxxx

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