Chapter One.

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Present Day....................

Demon glanced around the large mahogany table at his brother, trying to gauge their reaction to the news they'd heard. Ty looked uncomfortable, Zeke was stoic as usual and Sky was pretending to find a stain in front of him fascinating.

Morgan stood at the head of the table next to where Wolf was seated and had just finished telling them the news, that she had caught Lacy sneaking out of the club last night, taking her things with her with no apparent plans to return.

"She didn't give me any details, only that she couldn't come back."

The men remained silent and Wolf turned to Morgan. Giving her a gentle push towards the door she excused herself and he waited until she was gone until he spoke.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" He asked.

"This isn't like her," Demon said.

"She hasn't been herself lately," Ty offered.

"All the same, she betrayed the club. She has moved in with one of our enemies, she knows what happens to people who cross us." Wolf said.

Demon fell quiet, he knew that Wolf was right. Lacy knew the risks, he just didn't understand what was going on with her or why she hadn't come to him with her problems. He and Lacy had been partners, best friends and family for years.

"Something has to be done," Wolf said.

There was a quiet murmur of agreement among the several others around the table and Demon dropped his head, he knew what they would decide and knew he couldn't prevent it.

"All in favor of having the issue permanently resolved?"

Slowly, one by one the members raised their hands, everyone but Demon.

"Sorry, but she knows too much. It's too dangerous," Zeke said.

Demon gave a small nod of understanding, he couldn't fault his brothers for making a decision that he couldn't.

"Then it's settled, the club has decided. As of now Lacy is no longer an Animal but a threat."

A quiet heaviness fell over the room, each of them taking the impact to heart. They all loved Lacy like a sister but they also loved each other and she was a threat now, family or not.

"Who will handle it?" Wolf asked after a moment.

Everyone remained silent, nobody wanting the burden. They'd all killed people but this was different, it went against their code. The animals never killed women and they never hunted their own.

"I'll do it," Demon said with a sigh.

"Demon...."Wolf began.

"No, I brought her into this club and I should be the one to take her out."

"Nobody expects you too."

"I know, but none of you clowns will find her. She's smart, she's talented and she will see you coming a mile away, she'll fight back and kill you or run. Nobody else knows her like I do. I know how she thinks, how she moves, how she lives. I've hunted people for years for this club and none have ever gotten away and I can do it again."

The other men stared at him a second then turned to Wolf. Wolf sat in his chair, he stared at the table and weighed his options. Demon was right though, together he and Lacy had hunted down people nobody else could, together they'd tortured people until they broke when nobody else had the stomach. If they wanted Lacy, Demon was their only chance.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now