Chapter 15

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The Hotie of a Host come back out onto stage wearing a beautiful green and black elegant dress. She smiles at the crowd as they welcome her with cheers and whissles. People throw roses and scraps of paper on stage with ther phone number on it. After the cheers and whissles goes down a little she speaks.

' Thank you everyone that voted onto 'Never Say Never' chapter 14! & Since you are here, here is the next chapter that Is BIGGER & BETTER than EVER!' The crowd erupts into cheers & laughter. Everyone is high fiving each other and patting each other on the back for voting &/OR commenting.

'But it doesn't stop there. You still have to vote and comment on chapter 15.' The crowd starts chanting 'Vote!Comment!' 'VOTE! COMMENT!' 'VOTE! COMMENT!'

"Who ever is my first fan to comment! This chapter will be dedicated to you! Yes you!' People are pulling out their IPads & IPhones to be the first to comment but while they are at it they also click the vote button. CAn you beat them at being the first to vote?

'Its Up To You To Be THE FIRST!' The host says before the thick red curtains close and chapter 15 begins!


“What took you so…long.” Danielle said turning around to look at me but when she saw me and Jesse hand in hand she smirked. “You changed.” she stated looking me up and down “ Cute top.” she said before turning back around and flipping through the channels.

There was foot steps coming down the stairs and Hector popped out from around the corner. His eyes grew big and he stopped once he saw us standing by the door way. “Umm. Your back!” he stated scratching the back of his head, looking unease. It wasn’t long before Emmanuel popped out from around the corner and smiled saying “Jesse don’t be had when we tell you this but…” he trailed off.

“What did you do?” Jesse asked dropping my hand and glaring at the both of them. With out thinking I grabbed his hand in mine and looked down at the floor when he gave me a side glance. Lately these days I’ve been doing stuff with out thinking.

Hector laughed a little but I came out shaky. Emmanuel started laughing with him but you could tell that it was forced. “Don’t get you panties in a bunch, Jesse. We just made one tiny mistake that can easily be token care of.” Emmanuel stated.

“Oh, somebody in trouble!” Danielle sang from the couch. I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. It was funny and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Danielle laughed with me and so did Hector.

Emmanuel slapped Hector in the back of the said saying. “ Why are you laughing, you’re the one in trouble!” he stated and he just rubbed his head as he continued laughing.

“I’m sure what ever you guys did isn’t that bad.” Jesse stated, he was clearly tensed and slightly mad but he didn’t let it show to much.

“Well, if you think that crush I heard earlier wasn’t ‘that bad‘…..” Danielle said using air cooptation marks. “Then I’m sure Hector and Emmanuel won’t be in that much trouble.” she said laughing out loud and then turning back to the T.V..

Before Jesse could respond Emmanuel rushed in and said “It was an accident, I swear. We were just checking out the house when Hector accidentally ran into one of the glass tables in the guess room.”

“It’s not my fault you pushed me.” Hector said defending himself. “What exactly were you guys doing!”

“Playing tag!” Hector said in a proud voice moving away from the staircase to sit next to his sister on the couch. “But you don’t have to clean it up we already got that covered!” Hector said. Jesse’s expression was blank, completely blank. I let go of my hand once again and walked away into the kitchen.

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