I panicked and flashed them really quickly.

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May 5, 1999

Today is Wednesday. After school, Melanie, Michelle, Erin, and I all went over Shauna's house. Jacob and Tyler were at Louis's house, and Louis lives right behind Shauna. When we got to Shauna's we started primping, because the guys said they were going to come over.

Then we looked out Shauna's bedroom window and saw the guys were in her backyard, jumping on her trampoline. Erin got the brilliant idea to crawl out the window and onto the flat roof, and then jump down onto the trampoline from there. [Yup, sounds brilliant.]

I was scared, but I did it, and it was so fun! Then we pushed the picnic table up next to the porch and stacked chairs on top of it so we could easily climb up onto the roof and jump off, instead of having to run up to Shauna's room and climb out the window. Then the guys ran inside and grabbed cushions off the couch, and we had a pillow fight on the trampoline! [Trampolines are basically death traps... but they are so fun.]

Eventually we got too tired to keep fighting, so we ended up sitting around in a circle on the trampoline. The guys were like, "Emily, you have to flash us!" I said no, because of Mark, but Erin said, "I'll flash you!" And they were like, "Okay." So she did. [Wow, remember flashing? I wonder if boys still pressure girls to flash them, now that porn is so easily accessible online.]

Then they decided they still wanted me to flash them, and Louis said, "If you don't flash us, I'm going to tell Mark you gave us a strip show!" I said no again, but Louis went inside and yelled behind him, "I'm calling Mark right now to tell him about your strip show!" So I panicked and flashed them really quickly.

Then my mom came to pick me up and I had to go home. When I got home, Melanie called and said, "Twenty minutes after you left, Louis dared Erin to kiss Jacob, and she did, and they made out for like, a minute!"

Okay, I like the relationship I have with Jacob - I feel pretty comfortable around him as a friend. But I can't deny the pang of jealousy I felt for a moment when Melanie told me about Erin hooking up with him. I think maybe I still love him. I don't know. I just can't stand the idea of him loving someone other than me.

Anyway, Jenna and I have become really good friends again! We talk on the phone like, every day, and I feel like I can completely trust her again. I think she feels the same way about me.

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