Heart Like A Hand Grenade

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Billies POV

"Dude... this is really good" Mike mumbles, looking down at the crumpled piece of paper.

I sit on edge, fidgeting with my sweaty hands. I usually gave Sapphire my lyrics to read, but we weren't on the best of terms right now. It was strange having someone else read my thoughts and emotions, but Mike is my best friend.

"You really think?" I ask for assurance.

"Yeah man! This sounds like it could be a hit!" 

"Yeah, right" I laugh. Us writing a hit? Get real.

"When I come around... I like it" Mike nods, handing me back the paper.

He didn't say anymore or question it. Thats what I liked and disliked about Mike. He didn't dig too deep into things about me, unless it was to do with Sapphire. He didn't ask questions when I told him about my dad all those years ago, and I think i'm eternally grateful for that.

"Should we show Tre?" He asks.

I look up to him, raising an eyebrow. He's been trying to get us to talk for weeks. I'd been purposely avoiding Mike and Tre's apartment because of both Sapphire and Tre occupying it. I wasn't quite sure as to why Sapphire was living there, but I pretended to not show any worry towards her. I was trying to get over her.

"I guess we have to..." I shrug. 

Mike gets up off my bed and pulls out his phone. I mentally sigh when I realise he's calling Tre, slump down. I didn't want to argue. I didn't want to fight. Recently, I haven't had much motivation to do anything.

"Its okay, Al's coming too" Mike sits down again. He then opens his mouth to continue talking, but soon shuts it and looks away.

I knew what it was about. He was trying to bring up Sapphire.

Mike was a good guy. He wanted to make things okay for me, but I don't think I can talk about her without feeling worse then what I already do.

She broke my heart

Now I'm not playing victim. I know I was an asshole to her. But I can't help but feel like shit. I was just about to admit my love to her, and I walk in on her and one of my best friends. What was I expecting though? Some cliche ending where she has the same feelings too, and we live happily ever after? My life was not cliche.

Mike and I mess around for a bit longer. I pick up Blue and start playing with some tunes. I wanted to make the new song I wrote amazing. It was obvious it was about Hayley. So it was kind of like a final fuck you to her. 

I can't believe we were already beginning to work on a second studio album. The first was a success for us, so this one will either flop or make us bigger. It was only a couple weeks until we went on tour, and I would have to write lyrics like crazy.

Mike mixes up a rhythm on his bass, and I follow along on Blue. It actually started to sound good, so I began to sing the lyrics I had just shown him.

I heard you crying loud...

All the way across town.

We didn't get very far into the song as Al soon bursts into the room, a huge grin on her face.

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