Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Draco Malfoy
A week later, I was still taking the Sweet Dream pills and every morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. I had found that Ron and George were Fred’s groomsmen in the dream which suited him. Ever since I found out Fred was the one I was marrying, more things kept coming into the dream. But they were little things like the lily cut diamond engagement ring on my finger and vases of lilies and roses all over the place. The one thing that didn’t come was the kiss by Fred because I kept waking up before it could happen. But I really didn’t mind. I’d prefer not having Fred’s lips on mine; even if it was a dream.
I sat up in my bed on a sunny Monday morning and smiled more than I was already. The sun really did make me fell happier in the morning. I got up then and started getting dressed since I showered the previous night. As I was putting on a pair of shorts, there was a knock on my bedroom door followed by George saying, “Hurry up, Aria! We’re running late and Lee can’t open the stop this morning!”
“I’ll be right out!” I yelled and quickly finished getting dressed.
After I put my hair up, put my shoes on, and grabbed my wand, I walked into the hall and a pair of hands grabbed my arm. Fred pulled me down the stairs and said, “We have to go.”
“Can’t I grab a muffin really fast?” I asked as my stomach growled; smelling the muffins coming from the kitchen.
“No.” Fred and George answered as they pulled me towards the front door.
I groaned and pulled my wand out of my back pocket. “Accio muffin.” I said and a muffin came to me. I smiled happily as George closed the door. “Why can’t Lee open the shop?” I asked the twins curiously.
“He’s sick.” Fred answered as he grabbed my hand and George’s.
The scene changed and we were standing in Diagon Alley. “Still? He’s been sick since-Ah!” I screamed as someone ran into me and we both fell to the ground; my muffin rolled down the street. I was lying on top of the person who ran into me and I looked to see who it was. The boy was slender with the same pale skin I had and sharp, pointed features. His light grey eyes looked into my blue ones and his silver blonde hair was a mess. “Draco?” I asked quizzically; shocked to see him.
“Sorry.” Draco Malfoy apologized as we both stood up. He was taller than I remembered and also happier looking. He looked into my eyes again and asked, “Are you ok, Aria?”
For some reason, my heart skipped a beat when he said my name; which made me smile. “Y-yeah. I’m fine.” I stuttered. “You look good Draco.” I commented then hoped that wasn’t too forward of me.
He smiled and said, “So do you, Aria. Better than the last time I saw you.”
I nodded. “Same with you.”
“Aria! Come on!” Fred yelled. The shop! I had totally forgotten about the shop.
I looked at Fred and George, who were ahead of me, then back at Draco. “I have to go to work. Bosses are calling me.” I smiled. “It was good seeing you.” I turned to walk away but I felt a hand grab my arm.
I looked back at Draco and he said, “Do you want to go out with me tonight?”
My heart raced. “I thought Slytherins didn’t go out with Gryffindors.” I joked; trying to keep my cool.

The Girl with the Heart Scar (A Fred Weasley Love Story)
RandomAria Stevens's life got turned upside down when the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange killed her parents. Now, she's living with the Weasleys and trying to cope with the death. She starts dating Draco Malfoy and her nightmares start going away. But af...