Jackson's POV
The monitor kept the steady beeping of the flatline, that was it for my little girl. When I looked over I saw April jump up and run, I chased her as far as I could. But she hoped into her car and drove away. "Oh shit!" I yelled aloud. Then I walked outside kicked the trash can and took a breather I needed to be with my kids.Lexie's POV
April just texted and said we need to meet ASAP! I was in the shower when Mark read the text to me. I jumped out of the shower as quick as I could, kissed Mark and ran out the door. She told me to meet her at TARGET. When I pulled up next to her car she was sitting in the drivers spot crying. What was this about?As I got out and locked my car my phone buzzed but I didn't bother to read the text (I would regret this later) I was talking to April through her car window. "Lex thank god your here Karlee died!" April said sobbing. "What? Where's Jackson?" I asked her. "He's there, at the hospital, I couldn't stand it so I ran out to meet you, tell Jackson and my kids I love them! And I'm so sorry! I have to get out of this place!" she said. With that she was gone. Just then I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see it ringing, it was Jackson.
J=Jackson L=Lexie
J- Have you seen April lately?
L - She was just with me a minute ago.
J- Where is she going!
L- I don't know she said to tell you that she loves you and the kids and that she's sorry.
J- BYE!That was that.
26 hour later
Alex's POV
I cant believe that I just let April and Jackson's daughter die on my watch. Will this ruin our friend ship? As I was walking to go talk to him I ran into Mark in the hallway. "Hey there's the almost newly engaged person!" Mark said as we were walking closer to each other. "Not now!" I told him and kept walking. "Karev, Karev!" I heard Mark yelling down the hallway, the only thing I cared about now was Jackson. As I was passing the NICU Jackson was sitting with Liam and Blake in the waiting room. "Hey." I said to Jackson hoping he would respond. "Hey." He said. "How are you doing?" I asked.It had been 27 hours since Karlee died. "Well my wife is missing, I have a dead child, which makes that 2 children that April and I have lost, and I'm a single dad all by myself! Thats how I'm doing." He said venting. "Well if there's anything I can do, just say the word." I told him. "Can you inform April's parents with everything please?" He asked me. I nodded then went to tell April's family everything. After I told them I went to find Mark I needed something good on this day to happen.
As I was trying to find him I saw him talking to Lexie in the hall. "Hey, Mark" I said as I saw Lexie walk away. "Hey dude, whats up?" Mark responded. "When can you come shopping with me?" I asked Mark. "Umm 30 minutes?" he asked, I just noticed he had his kids with him. "Yeah sure." I told him. "I'll pick you up at your place." he told me. Sounds good.
April's POV
What was i doing? I kept asking myself, My phone keeps ringing. As i got too the airport i knew what i had too do. "Hi one ticket too Zurich, i knew the only person i wanted to see was Christina. "One ticket to Zurich!" the airport helper said. "Thanks." i responded my eyes were still puffy from everything that happened this morning. I was running from my problems, I was leaving behind my kids and a husband who i love and my family loves me i knew i had to do this.Mark's POV
As I arrived at Alex's house I had two screaming kids in the back. I saw Alex running out to the car so we could finally go buy the ring. "Do you know where Jo is?" Alex asked me. "Yeah her and Lexie are going shopping till 7:00, just enough time to cook a meal, buy a ring, and get a fiancee." I told him. "Wow thank's Bro." He told me.As we pulled up to the jewelers Alex started getting really shaky. "Man? Are you sure I should do this?" I asked Mark. "Yes totally." He responded we found the ring and went back to my house.
April's POV
I Hoped off the plane at Zurich with my luggage in hand, the next step was to surprise Christina. I rented a car and drove to the hospital, when I arrived I walked into see Shane standing in the door way. "Dr. Kepner?" Shane asked looking at me. "Hi Shane, is Christina here?" I asked him. "She will be back in an hour from surgery but you can wait in her office."He told me. "Thanks." I said, then he showed me to her office and left me alone. When I was alone I took out my phone and powered it on, 67 missed calls, they were all from Jackson, Mer, Alex and Lexie I decided to call Jackson.J-Jackson A-April
J- April? Are you okay, where are you?
A- Yes I'm fine I need some alone time, okay?
J- Please come home babe. The boys and I need you!
A- I'm so sorry I need me time I've got to go I love you and the boys so much I can't drag you down with me in this, IM SO SORRY!
J- Please don't go, Just co-----
That's when I cut him off and hung up the phone I just sat there crying to myself. I didn't now what else I could do. Then Christina walked in.

How to Live Again (A Grey's Anatomy fan fic)
FanfictionThe plane crash happened, But everyone survived. Mark is making a plan to propose to his girlfriend, Lexie Grey. They're in a good spot after everything cleared up. Will they end up getting married? Callie and Arizona are as strong as ever. They w...